Just Released: Resources for First Time Homebuyers

I have just created a page on my blog dedicated to first time homebuyers. Right now, you can access this on the column to the right.

I will be updating this page with information that first time homebuyers or people who have not bought a home recently may find useful. Currently, I have a couple of different scenarios intended to help demystify the homebuying process. I hope you’ll check it out!

If you or anyone you know are thinking about buying their first home or re-entering the home buying market, please feel free to share this with them. 🙂

And of course, I would love to help you with your mortgage needs. Please contact me if I can be of any assistance.

A Great Alternative for VA Loans

Many Veterans who have served our country have earned the right to have a VA mortgage loan. It’s unfortunate that some sellers as well as real estate agents have a bad image of VA loans and often discourage them. Many years ago, VA loans were sometimes more challenging than conventional financing – this is rarely the case anymore. Some people may falsely assume that if a Veteran is using a VA loan, they must have poor credit or not enough funds for a down payment. A majority of the Veteran’s I have provided mortgages for have excellent credit and plenty of funds for down payment, they opt for the VA loan because they either don’t want to use all of their funds for down payment, or the VA mortgage loan could be providing a lower interest rate than what they would receive with conventional financing. Bottom line, it’s their entitlement that they sacrificed and worked hard to earn. [Read more…]

Should you wait to buy a home or buy now?

Hear me out on my latest video and let me know if I can help you with your mortgage needs.

Super Fast Closings!

I have been with New American Funding for three months now and have had the pleasure of helping clients with their home purchase and refinancing mortgages. I have been very impressed with how fast we are able to close without sacrificing service. [Read more…]

My Interview with Market Share’s Tony Blodgett

I had a great time meeting Tony Blodgett at New American Funding’s studio in the Everett office to record an episode of Market Shares. We talk about the transition from Mortgage Master to New American Funding, how I wound up in lending and the current market and more!

Thanks for the interview, Tony!

Mortgage Rates trending Lower

Freddie Mac’s PMMS (Prime Mortgage Market Survey) was released this morning showing that mortgage rates have been trending lower.

Please remember, the rates posted above from the PMMS are based on a survey from LAST WEEK… so these interest rates are expired and really just show where interest rates are trending. Please contact me for current mortgage rates for your personal scenario. [Read more…]

Price Adjustments coming soon to Conforming Mortgages

Last week, the FHFA (Federal Housing Finance Agency) announced changes to how conforming mortgages are priced with loan-level price adjustments (LLPAs). Some borrowers will find improved pricing where others will have to pay more in fees. The fees are typically incorporated into the interest rate for the mortgage.

From Fannie Mae’s Lender Letter dated January 19, 2023:

“We are implementing additional changes to our LLPA framework that represent the next step in our effort to increase support for borrowers historically underserved by the housing finance market…”.

[Read more…]

You may not want to wait too long on home prices coming down

If you’re waiting for home prices to come down or interest rates to improve a bit more; I hope you’ll read an article recently penned by David Stevens: A Reminder: Home Prices Always Rise Over Time | LinkedIn

David has an extensive background in the mortgage industry, including serving as the Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner for the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). [Read more…]