Why and How to Freeze Your Credit

In today’s digital world, protecting your personal and financial information is more important than ever. One of the most effective ways to safeguard yourself against identity theft and fraudulent activity is by freezing your credit. Whether you’re applying for a mortgage, planning a big financial move, or simply want to enhance your financial security, understanding how and why to freeze your credit can be a crucial step.

Why Should You Freeze Your Credit?

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Options for Buying a Starter Home

Buying your first home is such an exciting and important time of your life. It’s a big step in creating financial freedom for your future. First homes are often referred to as a “starter home” as people tend to live in the home for a shorter period of time and use the equity they gain from appreciation and paying down the mortgage towards buying their next home. [Read more…]

Holiday Hangover – Did You Overspend this Season?

Twas the season of spending with American’s splurging over $1100 on gifts this holiday season. Credit card interest rates average around 24% with some department store cards pushing 30%; making it very difficult for some to pay off the debt.

Lendingtree reports that 42% of those who charged holiday gifts regret adding to their debts.

If you’re feeling a bit of a financial hangover from the holidays, you can take some steps to help ease the headache of credit card debts. [Read more…]

PSA: Check Your Credit Card Interest Rates

I just received a notice from a local department store that they are INCREASING my interest rate from 24% to 31%! I’m a bit befuddled since the Fed recently lowered the funds rate by 0.50 and I pay off my account monthly. My credit is excellent. I decided to call the 1-800 number on the notice and was told this is an increase “across the board” and they do not have a lower rate to offer me. I enjoy receiving my benefits from using the card and even though I rarely pay interest as the bill is typically paid off every month, I can’t support this rate. I asked if there was anything I could do and she informed me that I have no options…except to no longer use this card. [Read more…]

Credit Tips if you are considering Buying a Home (or Refinancing)

Are you considering buying or refinancing your home? You may be surprised at what you should and shouldn’t do. Some things that are common sense may actually not be the best actions if you’re planning on obtaining a mortgage in the near future.

Please check out my latest video with simple credit tips.

The FIRST thing you need to do BEFORE applying for a mortgage or get preapproved for ANY credit

WARNING: Rant ahead!

When you meet with a mortgage professional and allow them to pull your credit so that you can be prequalified for a mortgage to buy or refinance a home, your information is provided to countless other lenders. Before you become furious with your mortgage lender, please know that it’s not their fault! [Read more…]

‘Tis the Season to not sabotage your credit

Several weeks before the holiday season sets in, we begin to see those commercials I absolute dread. You know, the luxury cars with giant red bows on them…the recipient gushes, “you shouldn’t have!”… and they’re right, the gift giver probably should not have – especially if they’re considering buying or refinancing a home. [Read more…]

Boost Your Credit Score or Boost Your Spam?

Experian, one of the big 3 credit bureaus, has been actively promoting that consumers can “boost” their credit score using their services. Since I help people with their credit and mortgage needs for my profession, this naturally got my attention.

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