This week’s mortgage rate update features information on our down payment assistance program. Check it out!
Mortgage Interest Rate Update for the Week of February 17, 2025
Mortgage Rate Update for the Week of August 19, 2024
What will impact mortgage rates this week? Check out this week’s episode which includes information on The Covenant Homeownership Program which offers down payment assistance up to $150,000!
NEW Down Payment Assistance Program
We have added a new down payment assistance program where eligible home buyers can receive up to 100% financing. This program is not limited to first time home buyers and there are no income limits with an FHA mortgage as the first lien. Would you like more good news? The down payment assistance is in the form of a second mortgage with a 5-year forgivable option OR a 10-year repayable option.
Here’s more: [Read more…]
Income Limits increased for Home Advantage with Down Payment Assistance
Hot off the press! Washington State Housing Finance Commission has just announced that income limits for the Home Advantage program are being increased to $160,000 effective July 2, 2021. Click here for current mortgage rates for your scenario. [Read more…]
There Once was a Renter
I was just reviewing one of my client’s mortgages and thought I’d share a happy story with you. I’m REALLY proud of them. I first met Ryan and Rachel Renton (yes, I made up the names…but the rest of the story is true), at a home buyers class that I was teaching. Home buyers interested in the down payment assistance programs offered by the Washington State Housing Finance Commission are required to take a “live” class or an online class in order to qualify for the down payment assistance (dpa). [Read more…]
New Income Limits for WSHFC Down Payment Programs
The Washington State Housing Finance Commission has announced new income limits for some of their mortgage programs.
Here are the new income limits effective May 6, 2019: [Read more…]
A First Time Home Buyer’s Story
I’m so excited for some clients I helped buy their first home a couple of years ago. I thought I’d share their story – at least the Readers Digest version! 🙂

This couple attended a home buyers class that I was teaching back in 2014. They purchased their first home in Seattle in 2014 using a down payment assistance program we offer through the Washington State Housing Finance Commission. [Read more…]
BREAKING NEWS: Higher Income Limits for Down Payment Assistance Mortgages
The Washington State Housing Finance Commission has just announced they are increasing the income limits on all of their Home Advantage mortgage programs. The income limits are being increased effective immediately from $97,000 to $145,000! [Read more…]
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