It’s official! [Read more…]
Freddie Mac reports Mortgage Rates Trending Lower
This morning Freddie Mac released their weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS) revealing that mortgage rates slightly improved last week.
It’s important to note that the rates from the PMMS are based on an average from last week… so they are not current.
If you would like me to provide you with current rates based on your personal scenario, I am happy to help you!
Should You Pay Points to Buy Your Interest Rate Down?
Since mortgage rates have returned to a more historically “normal” level, many are surprised that mortgage rates a bit higher than they may have been over the past few years. Mortgage rates have been pushed higher largely due to inflation. It’s expected by many industry experts that mortgage rates should improve to the mid-5% range somewhere between this summer to sometime next year. I do not expect to see mortgage rates for the 30 year fixed 4% anytime soon. [Read more…]
How Much Money Do You Need to Buy a Home?
Did you know that you don’t need a 20% down payment to buy a home? In this video, I discuss what funds are needed during the home buying process.
If you’re interested in buying or refinancing a home, please contact me!
Help! Help Me, Rhonda!
This past month or so, I have been helping people deal with issues with their mortgage lenders. This isn’t entirely unusual, but it seems to be happening more often in this current market. Sometimes, the client leaves the lender and I “adopt” their transaction and other times, they are able to work it out with the other lender.
I think that part of the issue is that mortgage rates are so volatile right now… and have been for a few months. With mortgage rates in a higher range than what we’ve become accustomed to, more people are focused in on interest rates. Yes, the interest rate you pay on your mortgage IS important, but it’s not the only factor and, in the event a lender is not able to close on a mortgage, choosing a lender mainly because of interest rates can be an expensive decision.
Another factor is that, in Washington state, only about 60% of licensed mortgage loan officers opted to renew their license in 2023. A 40% reduction is pretty significant… this does not factor in the loan officers who work for banks or credit unions (that are not required to be licensed) and who have been laid off or chosen to find another field for employment. [Read more…]
2023 VA Funding Fees
The funding fee for VA mortgages for 2023 have been announced. Great news – the fees for 2023 have been reduced from 2022!
The VA Funding Fee is a one-time charge often added to the loan amount and financed over the term of the mortgage. VA mortgages do not have monthly mortgage insurance premiums (unlike FHA mortgages).
Here are the VA Funding Fees for 2023: [Read more…]
BREAKING NEWS: HUD Reduces FHA Mortgage Insurance
FINALLY!!! HUD just announced that the mortgage insurance on FHA mortgages will be reduced by 30 basis points on most mortgage loans.
FHA mortgages typically have two forms of mortgage insurance. Borrowers pay for both an upfront premium, which is often added to the loan amount and financed over the life of the loan and an annual premium, which is paid monthly. The mortgage insurance which has been reduced is the annual mortgage insurance. [Read more…]
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