True Horror Story: Trapped by the 3% Mortgage Rate

If you’re a homeowner wanting to buy your next home, you might be feeling reluctance to trade your existing interest rate for a current mortgage rate. It’s easy to understand when mortgage rates are double from what they were a few years ago. Historically speaking, mortgage rates are actually closer to what would be considered more of an average range than the Fed manipulated rates of years past.

I may have some good news for you. No, it’s not a trick…this can actually be a treat! [Read more…]

Why It Makes Sense to Buy Before Mortgage Rates Move Lower

Seattle area Real Estate Broker, Kim Mulligan, posted this on Facebook a couple of days ago regarding a recent listing:

“For those of you that were clamoring to be my neighbor, I have bad news. A pricing war ensued and an offer was chosen last night. Ends up we had well over 80 parties tour the home in two days, several offers came forth, and a lucky buyer will get to share a fenceline with me. Why do I mention this? Many people think that there isn’t a market right now because of interest rates. Yes, buyers are careful and shy. The truth is some people have to move in any market. Sellers don’t need to be afraid to list their homes. Yes, buyers are choosey, but priced and presented well, and with the right lender where you can change your interest rate when it drops down again, your home could sell within 3 days as well![Read more…]

Is Your Low Rate Stopping You from Buying Your Next Home?

Many Americans took advantage of the extra low rates that were available during the pandemic years. Some may be feeling trapped at having a rate in the 3% range since we’ve returned to a more historically “normal” range. [Read more…]