Complete Guide to Accessory Dwelling Units

Washington is in the top 3 states for leading the country with the addition to accessory dwelling units! This type of housing makes it possible for providing housing to aging parents, adult children who are priced out of the market, a workspace or to provide income as a rental property.

If you have been contemplating adding an ADU to your home or finding a home with (or that could have) an ADU, I encourage you to check out my latest resource guide: Accessory Dwelling Units.

If you’re interested in learning more about financing options, I am happy to help you!

NEW Down Payment Assistance Program

We have added a new down payment assistance program where eligible home buyers can receive up to 100% financing. This program is not limited to first time home buyers and there are no income limits with an FHA mortgage as the first lien. Would you like more good news? The down payment assistance is in the form of a second mortgage with a 5-year forgivable option OR a 10-year repayable option.

Here’s more: [Read more…]

Mortgage Master is now financing Manufactured Homes

Mortgage Master Service Corporation has started allowing the financing of manufactured homes again using FHA or VA mortgages. Here are some of our basic guidelines: [Read more…]