Happy Labor Day

We are having a “staycation” and are not traveling somewhere this weekend. I’ll probably spend some time on a pickleball court, fiddle in the garden and will definitely be grilling something yummy this weekend.

What are your plans?

If you are shopping for a home need help with getting preapproved for a mortgage or are considering a refinance with lower mortgage rates, I am happy to help you (this weekend and every day)!

Have a Happy Labor Day weekend!

PS: Since Monday is a holiday and markets are closed, my weekly Mortgage Market Update will be published on Tuesday. 🤩


Predicting Mortgage Rates is like forecasting Weather

Trying to predict mortgage rates is very similar to forecasting our weather in our beautiful Pacific Northwest. There are economic indicators with data that result in mortgage rates going down or raising higher just as there are weather patterns and pressure systems that typically indicate sunnier days or a storm approaching. Sometimes the reports that are being relied on can conflict with each other making it more difficult to make an accurate prediction. [Read more…]

Arts in the Park in Puyallup

Yesterday I had the opportunity to participate at Arts in the Park at the Pioneer Park Pavilion in Puyallup. This was my first time demonstrating and being on the other side of the booth at an art fair. I really had a great time.

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Happy 15th Bloggoversary to The Mortgage Porter

It’s hard to believe that 15 years ago, I began “blogging” with The Mortgage Porter. When I started this blog late November 2006, I would have never imagined that it would become such an important part of my mortgage career.

I’ve met some wonderful people and have had amazing experiences that would have not happened had I not started typing out my first post about the beginning of mortgage originators being licensed (or just registered if they work for a bank or credit union). I would have never imagined that I would be interviewed, be asked to speak at events and that I would wind up attracting clients I really enjoy working with all from blogging. It’s truly been a gift that I’m thankful for! [Read more…]

32 Years Ago Today

My how time goes by when you’re having fun! Thirty-two years ago, I began my career in real estate. My first job was being a “doc-puller” at Safeco Title in Seattle. I really enjoyed being the receptionist for Safeco since I believed that I had more job security…back in those days, employees were quickly hired and laid off depending on what was going on in the real estate industry. This was before title companies used “temps” to fill those types of positions. Eventually I was promoted to work in a title unit. I “retired” from Washington Title Company as a Branch Manager of the Federal Way office in 2000. [Read more…]

Friday Flashback: Mortgage Rates from 15 years ago

My husband and I have been cleaning out the garage and I came across an old mortgage rate sheet from August 2001. Mortgage rates were a bit higher 15 years ago. If you paid a 1% discount point, your rate for a 30 year fixed would have been 6.500% on a 30 day lock.

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30 Years in the Real Estate Industry

2014-01-27_0929It’s taking me a couple days to write this post because it’s hard for me to fathom that this month marks my 30th year in the real estate industry. Thirty years ago, I was hired to be a doc puller at Safeco Title Insurance Company. I was promoted to Customer Service and promoted again to work in the title units. This picture of me is from a calendar that Chicago Title created to promote “Unit 5”. And yes, that is Chuck Knox, Coach of the Seattle Seahawks, and my hair was as big as the shoulder pads!

I worked at a couple title companies over the years…the last one was my favorite, Washington Title Company. I was one of the first people recruited to launch Washington Title. It was a great time to be a “title rep” and I worked with a great team.

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Friday Funny on Debt

All sarcasm aside, if you want to buy or refinance a home, think twice before going deeper into debt.

If buying or refinancing a home in Washington state is on your radar, please contact me – I’m happy to help you with your mortgage needs and develop a game plan.