DIY Sea Shell and Sea Glass Sconce

Just for fun, I decided to take a plain sconce and glue sea shells and glass that we’ve collected to it. My husband and I collected a majority of the sea shells from beaches along West Seattle.2016-01-20 22.04.43
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DIY Sea Glass Mirror – Part 2

I must admit, my sea glass mirror has been hanging in the bathroom for a while now…I just haven’t had the time to write this post to share my results. In my last post, I had a base of flat glass glued along the border of the mirror.

The next step was to glue larger pieces of sea glass layered on top of the flat glass. Before actually gluing the glass, I selected the pieces and set them where I thought I’d like them to be, rearranging them as needed. [Read more…]

DIY Penny Floor Update

Would you believe that as week four, we are about 75% down with gluing pennies to our floor? Rocko, our cat, has been sneaking his way into the room to supervise us.

2015-11-29 20.00.26

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Happy Thanksgiving

In the spirit of “throw back Thursday”, I thought I’d share a vintage photo of my Dad’s family. I doubt it was Thanksgiving, however it appears they were probably going to enjoy a feast of fresh salmon.

2015-07-30 20.06.54

My Dad is the young boy in the middle and my Grandpa Ray is the first gentleman on the left and next to him, is my Grandma Marian. I believe the home is in Renton…not sure if the home is my grandparents or the couple next to them.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!


DIY Penny Floor: Week Three

My husband and I are starting week three of installing a penny floor in our West Seattle home. Boy oh boy…I wish the room was a bit smaller!!! However, I’m pleased to say that I think we are almost 50% down with the penny installation.

penny floor nov 21

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DIY Penny Floor: Week Two

We are on the second week of our penny project. I am now referring to that ginormous 10 x 13 foot room as the pennytentiary. I must admit, I love seeing how it’s evolving and I will be happy beyond words when this project is DONE! 🙂

Since my last post about the penny floor, we finished gluing the compass.

2015-11-08 15.19.03

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DIY Project: Our Penny Floor

Now that my husband and I are officially “empty nesters”, we are beginning to have fun redecorating some of our extra bedrooms. My hubby has decided to convert one of the rooms into a man cave. The carpet needed replacing and the room is in a basement. We thought a “penny floor” would work well.

There are several web pages from fellow Do-It-Yourself folks who have happily installed floors made of coins… I thought it would be fun to share our progress with this project on some weekend post.2015-11-02 19.16.18

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Fun things to do around Puget Sound this Independence Day

Seattle_fireworksI hope you have a FUN, safe and sane Independence Day. I have fond memories of watching fireworks sitting on the hood of my Mom’s car with my sisters in the Sears parking lot of the old mall in downtown Renton…lots of “oohs and aahs”. 🙂

Here are some events around the greater Puget Sound area taking place this holiday.

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