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Do You Have Student Loans?

If you have student loans that have been on hold for the past three years, your payments are about to resume. Some have replaced the student loan payments they would of had the past few years with new debts, such as car loans, maybe a new home or higher credit card debts. There is no doubt that the “pause” being over may impact many American families. [Read more…]

Are You a Co-Signer on a Student Loan?

When Congress resolved the latest debt ceiling with the passing of The Financial Responsibility Act of 2023, both parties agreed to stop the forbearance on student loans payments. Federally backed student loan payments have been paused for the past three years due to the pandemic. Payments on student loans are set to resume following this September and many are not going to be prepared for this. [Read more…]

Trouble making your monthly payments? Please don’t wait to refi.

I have been writing about how high credit card interest rates have climbed with the Fed raising the funds rate. If you’re not paying off your entire credit card bill each month, you are probably owing a bit more due to the high credit card rate. Credit card debt can be an uphill battle. [Read more…]

Cash Out Refinances for Student Loans

Fannie Mae has revamped some guidelines regarding student loans and how they are treated in debt to income ratios for qualifying for a mortgage. This is great news… however what’s even better news for home owners who have student loans, Fannie Mae is offering improved pricing on cash out refinances for paying off student loans! [Read more…]

FHA revises guidelines for calculating student loans

mortgageporter_student_loansTonight HUD announced that they are backing off how they have been treating student loan debts for people who are trying to qualify for a mortgage.

From HUD’s announcement:

“…FHA believes that its approach provides the appropriate balance between expanding access to credit and ensuring that the borrower is able to maintain successful, long-term homeownership.

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Happy Birthday, Son!

scanToday is my son’s birthday. Although to me, it seems like just  yesterday he was toddling around in his Barney slippers, he is now entering his third year of college. I simply could not be more proud of him.

The one piece of advice that I would offer anyone with children is to start saving for your child’s education NOW if having your son or daughter attend college is important to you. I’m thankful that I’m able to help my son out with his tuition. He does have student loans…however I’m at least able to help contribute. I set up an auto-payment into a 529 account years ago and before that, bought savings bonds.  I didn’t miss what was taken from my checking account. Of course it did take a hit in recent years – but I’m still so glad I’ve been able to save some money for him.

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