I have been writing about how high credit card interest rates have climbed with the Fed raising the funds rate. If you’re not paying off your entire credit card bill each month, you are probably owing a bit more due to the high credit card rate. Credit card debt can be an uphill battle. [Read more…]
Trouble making your monthly payments? Please don’t wait to refi.
Are mortgage rates in the 3’s gone?
Mortgage rates have been moving higher causing some home buyers and rate shoppers a bit of surprise. Mortgage rates have been trending up with hints of QE3 and the Fed’s bond buying program, which has kept mortgage rates at artificial lows, may be wrapping up soon. Freddie Mac reports that the 30 year fixed is at 3.91% when paying 0.7 points and if not points are paid, the rate is 4.09%. Keep in mind that the rates Freddie has posted today are from last week and rates have continued to nudge higher.
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