Rain City Guide, back in the day, was a resource for people interested in all things about Seattle…especially real estate. I was beyond honored to join the RCG panel back in 2007 to represent the mortgage industry. [Read more…]
RIP RainCityGuide
Meet Me and My Fellow Rain City Guide Contributers
Ardell, Jillayne and yours truly will at Crossroads in Bellevue at 6:30 pm on February 4, 2009. I’m bummed that Dustin can’t make it (maybe he’ll suprise us). And so far, fellow authors, Craig and Robbie, say they’ll be there too!
It’s a causal meet-up that Ardell is organizing. We’d love to meet our readers, commenters and fellow contributors. For more information or to give us a heads up that you’re stopping by, please click here.
By the way, if you visit Rain City Guide’s About RCG page, you’ll see what the four of us are twittering–just like the photo above which was taken at Inman Connect in San Francisco last summer. Sadly, RCG contributors rarely have the opportunity to pile on a bean bag chair together.
Recently on Rain City Guide
I can’t tell you how honored I am to be a part of Seattle’s Rain City Guide. Here are a couple of recent posts that I really encourage you to check out…
Jillayne Schlicke just wrote a dead on post regarding our local situation with affiliated business arrangements between real estate, title and escrow and mortgage companies. This is a topic close to my heart as before I was in lending (8 years ago), I was in the title insurance industry for 14 years. I’ve seen drastic changes over this time since large real estate companies have entered into arrangements with title companies. Now the State is stepping in with new regulations. Read Jillayne’s post: Title Insurance Affiliated Business Arrangements Under Scrutiny.
ARDELL wrote a very timely post: Should You Buy Before You Sell? Her answer is NO! And during these times, I’m likely to agree. Bridge loans may be hard to come by and properties are taking longer to sell.
Don’t forget…I’m on vacation and will return on April 1.
Happy Birthday, Rain City Guide!
Rain City Guide turned three today…I’m a proud contributor to this stellar Seattle real estate blog. I left a comment congratulating Dustin Luther on this accomplishment and asked if we are a toddler now. Jay Thompson replied
Think dog years. 3 years for a real estate blog is an eternity…
How true! Happy Birthday, Rain City Guide.
My First Post at Rain City Guide
Today is a very special one for me as it marks the anniversary of my first post at Rain City Guide. I will always feel like I magoo’d* when Dustin Luther invited me to be a contributor on his Seattle blog. I was just learning the blogging ropes (Mortgage Porter was just a few months old) and really had no idea the significance of Rain City Guide.
My heartfelt thanks go to Dustin, ARDELL, my fellow contributors and our readers.
*”Magoo” is a term my husband and I use meaning “super lucky”. Like how Mr. Magoo would walk off a plank, drive off a cliff and still manage to land on his feet.
Rain City Guide’s Girls Night Out
Tomorrow (June 30th) night at 7pm, Ardell & Kim, Jillayne and I are welcoming one of the newest members to RCG and Seattle: Karen Kirr. It is the official “Welcome Karen to Seattle Night” that will take place at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern in Capitol Hill.
Guys are welcome too! If you plan on showing up, drop by RCG and let us know!
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