How much does a bump in interest rates impact home buyers?

Kate portrait 4I’m reading an article this morning, “When Mortgage Rates Rise”, which addresses something that I’m often asked and that I also addressed recently on post here. Essentially, the “experts” are predicting that we will mortgage rates trend higher to around the 5% range by mid to late next year. Historically, speaking, 5% is not a high rate… in fact, I’m sure I wrote a blog post about when mortgage rates dipped as low as 5% back around 2008 . Our “problem” is that we have become accustomed to fixed rates in the 3 to 4% range. Mortgage rates have been at artificially low levels for a long period. And I agree that we will see this end as the Fed continues to pull back their support of mortgage backed securities.

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates this Week: September 22, 2014.

10590595_10152292265616046_3172341462878606042_nHappy first day of fall! Mortgage rates continue to be in a fairly tight range and are slightly improved compared to last Monday’s rate post.

Here’s a short  list of economic indicators that may impact the direction of mortgage rates this week:

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates this Week: September 15, 2014

20140504_210758This is a painting on black velvet that I did of our Fed Chairwoman, Janet Yellen, that hangs in my office. All eyes and ears will be on the Fed after the two day meeting FOMC meeting wraps up today. Here are some of the economic indicators scheduled to be released this week:

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates this Week: September 8, 2014

mortgageporter-economyThis week’s calendar of economic indicators seems light, especially following last week that included the Jobs Report on Friday.

Remember, mortgage rates are based on bonds (mortgage backed securities) and often change throughout the day. Sometimes mortgage rates change only slightly by price (the cost for a specific rate) and of course, we can see dramatic rate changes as well. The direction of mortgage rates may be influenced by scheduled economic data, the direction of the stock market, inflation or even world events.

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates this Week: September 1, 2014

10626879_10152256097026046_1092128899241203089_nHappy Labor Day! Our office is closed today and will re-open for business as usual tomorrow morning at 9:00 am. This photo is from an hour or so ago at the dog park at Luther Burbank Park on Mercer Island. My hubby is tossing a bumper for our pup, Hitch (the black one to the right) and has a few other pups who are interested in playing too. What a gorgeous September day this is – I hope you and yours and having a wonderful holiday.

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates this week: August 4, 2014

2014-07-05 09.46.57I hope you’re enjoying your summer. Can you believe that it’s already August? Tomorrow, August 5, 2014, is Seattle Night Out (actually, National Night Out) and many neighborhoods will be getting to know each better over block parties and/or pot luck dinners during this annual crime prevention event. This is a great excuse to get to know your neighbors better so if you don’t have anything planned tomorrow, why not knock on a few doors and have an impromptu pot luck? 🙂

Photo: Our puppy, Hitch, having fun with one of his neighbors, Sadie.

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates this Week: July 28, 2014

MortgagePorter-JobsReportThis week is packed full of economic indicators that may influence mortgage interest rates, including the Fed meeting on Wednesday and Jobs Report on Friday. The Jobs Report carries a lot of weight with mortgage rates as it may indicate inflation. As the economy and employment improves, we may see signs of wage inflation. Inflation is the arch enemy of bonds, like mortgage backed securities – which mortgage rates are based on. World tensions may also impact mortgage rates as investors may seek the safety found in bonds.

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates this Week: July 21, 2014

mortgageporter-economyMortgage rates are not only impacted by the direction of bonds (mortgage backed securities); global tensions may also influence mortgage interest rates. We saw this last week with the heart breaking and horrific downing of the Malaysian flight and increased global tensions. Rates slightly improved as investors opted for the safety found in bonds.

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