How to compete with Cash Buyers? Become a Cash Buyer!

If you tried buying a home over the last few years, you probably lost out to buyers who made cash offers. Sellers tend to prefer cash offers because they can close faster and there are less uncertainties when they are not relying on a mortgage approval from a lender they don’t know. Even in a buyers’ market, a seller will most likely prefer a cash offer over one that is dependent on financing or the sale of another property.

We have a solution! You can also enjoy the convenience of an all-cash buyer with a cash buyer program. This works for first time home buyers and for clients who want to buy before they sell their existing property. [Read more…]

New Income Limits for WSHFC Down Payment Programs

The Washington State Housing Finance Commission has announced new income limits for some of their mortgage programs.

Here are the new income limits effective May 6, 2019: [Read more…]

Tips on how to save up for a down payment

iStock_000009450603SmallGet Rich Slowly recently posted How to Save Up for a Down Payment Fast.  I’d like to respond to some of the ideas offered in GRS’s post from a Mortgage Professional’s viewpoint and offer my advice.

Here are some of the suggestions on How to Save Up for Down Payment Fast along with my 2 cents (in italics).

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Why use an FHA Mortgage for your home loan?

mortgageporter-thinkingEDITORS NOTE 2/3/2015: Since writing this post, HUD has reduced mortgage insurance premiums (yay!) and loan limits have changed. Part of the fun of writing (and reading) a mortgage blog is that guidelines and programs change constantly. Reader beware. 🙂

When Washington state home buyers and home owners request a mortgage rate quote from me, they have many options, including FHA or conventional financing. Over recent years, conventional financing has become a more popular mortgage than FHA, despite FHA’s lower down payment requirements.

What’s not so hot about FHA?

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First Time Home Buyers Guide Book

Check out the latest edition of Your First Home Mortgage Guide.

Although I wrote this book with first time home buyers in mind, a majority of the content is relevant to all home buyers.

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National Home Buyers Fund Down Payment Assistance now available!

2013-03-07_0746EDITORS NOTE: It appears as though this program is being suspended effective the end of February 2016. If you’re considering using a grant, you might want to check out other down payment assistance options such as Home Advantage.

I am just learning about a down payment assistance program (dpa) that I now have available at Mortgage Master Service Corporation. The NHF Platinum Program is a little different than what you may be used to as it’s a grant that does not have to be repaid.

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Home Buyer’s Education Class in Kent

Seattle Home Buyer ClassesI will be teaching a Home Buyer’s Education Class at the corporate office of Mortgage Master Service Corporation on Saturday, January 18, 2014. My co-instructor is Ira Sacharoff, a Real Estate Broker with Better Real Estate.

Participants who attend this Washington State Housing Finance Commission sponsored class are eligible for programs like Home Advantage and for down payment assistance. The 5 hour WSHFC course is a requirement in order to qualify for these programs.

NOTE: This post has been updated. We decided to postpone the class, which was originally scheduled for January 11th to January 18th because of the Seahawks game. GO HAWKS!!

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What you need to know about multiple offers when buying a home [Video]

Earlier this week’ during our Seattle Real Estate Chat, Jim Reppond of Coldwell Banker Danforth and I discussed multiple offers, which we are seeing a lot of in the greater Seattle area.

Here’s our “show” from this week and learn more about what you need to know before you find yourself in a multiple offer situation.

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