Buying your first home is such an exciting and important time of your life. It’s a big step in creating financial freedom for your future. First homes are often referred to as a “starter home” as people tend to live in the home for a shorter period of time and use the equity they gain from appreciation and paying down the mortgage towards buying their next home. [Read more…]
Options for Buying a Starter Home
Who’s Buying Homes in this Market?
The Existing Home Sales was released yesterday which reports on the closings of existing single-unit homes.
Would you be surprised to know that last month, 31% of all sales were first-time homebuyers? [Read more…]
Just Released: Resources for First Time Homebuyers
I have just created a page on my blog dedicated to first time homebuyers. Right now, you can access this on the column to the right.
I will be updating this page with information that first time homebuyers or people who have not bought a home recently may find useful. Currently, I have a couple of different scenarios intended to help demystify the homebuying process. I hope you’ll check it out!
If you or anyone you know are thinking about buying their first home or re-entering the home buying market, please feel free to share this with them. 🙂
And of course, I would love to help you with your mortgage needs. Please contact me if I can be of any assistance.
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