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What’s the Difference Between being Pre-Qualified or Pre-Approved for a Mortgage?

Do you know the difference between being prequalified or preapproved for a mortgage? This short video reviews the importance of being preapproved.

If you are currently preapproved with a lender, I recommend making sure that your preapproval has been underwritten by a “human underwriter” and not just “AUS” (automatic underwriting i.e. a computer).  One way to make sure you have been fully underwritten is to ask your mortgage professional for the underwriter’s name…if they say “Fannie Mae” or “Freddie Mac” – that’s actually the automated underwriting system that lenders use. 😉

Being fully pre-underwritten not only helps to provide you with peace of mind with your loan approval, it also helps to expedite your closing AND may also help your offer be accepted over other offers with a weaker approval status.

If you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance, please reach out to me!

Are you really preapproved or just prequalified for a mortgage? Part 2

preapprovalA preapproval is the next step after becoming prequalifed.   Essentially, this means that you are supplying all of the documentation that is required to support your loan scenario.   Everything you have told the Loan Originator needs to be backed up for a “full doc” loan.   The mortgage originator will review your supporting documentation  (W2s, paystubs, asset accounts, credit report—tax returns if you’re self employed or paid commission…etc.) and make sure that they have a strong file for the underwriter.   Once you have selected your mortgage program, your information is typically submitted to an AUS (automated underwriting system aka a computer) which produces “findings”.   The findings detail what type of documentation is required for the loan approval.   Sometimes the findings will require less or more documentation than a mortgage originator has obtained. Different lenders may have their own underwriting overlays in addition to what the AUS has provided.

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