HUD Changes Citizenship Requirements for FHA Mortgages

FHA issued an update to their guidelines (ML 2025-09) revising residency requirements for FHA mortgages. The new guidelines only allows U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents and removes non-permanent residents from being eligible.

From Mortgage Letter 2025-09:

“Currently, non-permanent residents are subject to immigration laws that can affect their ability to remain legally in the country. This uncertainty poses a challenge for FHA as the ability to fulfill long-term financial obligations depends on stable residency and employment.”

This is an evolving situation. I expect other government backed loans to follow suit. Stay tuned.


Mortgage Home Loans for Non-Citizen Borrowers

Recently Fannie Mae added clarity to their guidelines regarding non-citizen borrowers being eligible to qualify for a conventional mortgage. According to Fannie Mae, this is not a change to existing policy, it is just (much needed) clarification for lenders.

In order to be eligible, a borrower must be “legally present” in the United States. This means the borrower must have: [Read more…]