USDA Income Limits

EDITORS NOTE June 5, 2017: Of course USDA income limits were updated right after I published this post! Please click here for 2017 income limits for USDA mortgages in Washington state.

USDA offers a no-down payment mortgage program which is available in rural areas (typically a town with population of 10,000 or less). USDA does not have loan limits, the program is limited by household income and if the property is in a USDA designated location. [Read more…]

Updates to Fannie Mae Guidelines

Last week, Fannie Mae released Selling Guide Announcement SEL-2017-04 with underwriting updates, including the special pricing for when home owners refinance their home to pay off student loans. Fannie Mae is the Federal National Mortgage Association and basically provides funding for conventional “conforming” loans. [Read more…]

Are you remodeling your greater Seattle or Tacoma area home?

We’re getting ready to remodel our kitchen and recently discovered Second Use. Second Use is locations in Seattle Tacoma. They sell second-hand items for your home from furniture to all types of fixtures. [Read more…]

Cash Out Refinances for Student Loans

Fannie Mae has revamped some guidelines regarding student loans and how they are treated in debt to income ratios for qualifying for a mortgage. This is great news… however what’s even better news for home owners who have student loans, Fannie Mae is offering improved pricing on cash out refinances for paying off student loans! [Read more…]

Mortgage Rates take a dip

Freddie Mac’s PMMS (Prime Market Mortgage Survey) this week headlines “Mortgage Rates Tumble Below 4 Percent“. This is great news for home owners who have been waiting to refinance.

According to the PMMS: [Read more…]

Buying a home? You may want to delay filing your taxes right now.

If you are in the market to buy or refinance your home around tax time, you might want consider filing an extension. This is because some lenders require taxes to be verified if a tax return has been filed. The IRS typically winds up taking several weeks to process verifications from lenders during this time of the year. This can potentially cause a delay with closing of some transactions. [Read more…]

Mortgage Rates trending Lower

Freddie Mac released their weekly mortgage survey known as the PMMS (Prime Mortgage Market Survey) today revealing that mortgage rates moved lower last week.

According to the survey, last week (key words: “last week”), the 30 year fixed conventional mortgage averaged 4.14% with 0.5 points. Remember, mortgage rates change constantly and the only way to have last week’s mortgage rate is to have locked in your rate last week.

I am happy to provide you with a current mortgage rate quote for a refi or purchase on your home located anywhere in Washington state, where I’m licensed.

My 50th Birthday!

This past weekend, I celebrated my 50th birthday with family and friends. I have two (not much) younger sisters who love to ask “don’t you feel older” and my answer is typically “not really”. I’m actually pretty excited to be the big 5-0…beyond being able to join AARP! [Read more…]