The Washington State Senate has passed revisions to excise tax that is paid when real estate is sold or transferred. Instead of having a flat rate, the new tax once signed into law by Governor Inslee, will be graduated. Some will enjoy a lower tax rate while others will pay a significantly higher tax rate. Real estate excise tax is typically a cost paid for by the seller. In San Juan County, the excise tax has been split by both the seller and buyer of real estate. Many would argue that excise tax (as with other cost of selling, such as real estate commission) is often passed onto the buyer as it is factored into the sales price. [Read more…]
Big Changes Coming to Real Estate Excise Tax for Washington State Homes
Mortgage Rates trending higher
Freddie Mac’s weekly mortgage rate report (PMMS) based on a survey of mortgage interest rates from applications last week show that mortgage rates continued to move higher.
RIP RainCityGuide
Rain City Guide, back in the day, was a resource for people interested in all things about Seattle…especially real estate. I was beyond honored to join the RCG panel back in 2007 to represent the mortgage industry. [Read more…]
When should you refi a low FHA mortgage rate?
Many homeowners are hanging onto very low mortgage rates when they should perhaps consider refinancing the mortgage for a higher rate. What??? [Read more…]
Buying a Home Using Your S.O.’s Income

Recently I helped a couple buy a home in King County. They’re engaged, had been living together for many years and were ready to purchase their first home. One of them, Billy Bellevue, had some credit issues and it made more sense for them to only have Susie Seattle’s on the transaction. [Read more…]
A First Time Home Buyer’s Story
I’m so excited for some clients I helped buy their first home a couple of years ago. I thought I’d share their story – at least the Readers Digest version! 🙂

This couple attended a home buyers class that I was teaching back in 2014. They purchased their first home in Seattle in 2014 using a down payment assistance program we offer through the Washington State Housing Finance Commission. [Read more…]
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