Are you feeling like you've been trapped in snow globe and you can't get out? Do you have images from The Shining playing in your head? I'm a Puget Sound native and for life of me, I cannot recall so much prolonged snow! It's beautiful and I've enjoyed taking pictures (check out my snow album) but I'm ready for some rain!
On a side note, it's been fascinating to see the level of communication that has taken place about our weather via blogs and other forms of social media, like Twitter, from the public to our local government.
I've received emails from the City of Seattle and King County over the past few days with request to post safety tips for my "community" of readers. They are utilizing bloggers to help spread their message. In my neighborhood, West Seattle Bloghas done a phenomenal job (as they always do) keeping everyone up to date and sharing stories about our local weather (and more). I believe it was our big winter storm of 2006 that really catapulted WSB's readership. If you have an neighborhood blog, this is one reason alone to subscribe. Just this morning, I became aware of the Seattle Transit Blog.
If you're a long time reader of Mortgage Porter, you may be aware of the interest rate updates I quote. Twitter allows you to post live updates of whatever you're doing in 140 characters or less. Just like a blog, you can subscribe (or "follow") what the author has to say. Local folks I'm following on Twitter who have helped with information on the storm are:
West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog)
Washington State DOT (@wsdot)
King County News (@kingcountynews)
Seattle Department of Transportation – Snow (@sdotsnow)
Seattle Times @seattletimes
Seattle PI @seattlepi
and don't forget Mortgage Porter (@mortgageporter)
Last, but not least, you can search terms on Twitter using "Twitter Search". Twitter-er's will use the # sign to create a short code/phrase that can be used to follow a specific event or thing. For this storm, the code is "#seatst". Whenever someone posts a comment (aka tweet) on Twitter about this storm, if they include #seatst. When you enter #seatst in the search field on the Twitter search page, you'll see a list of what EVERYONE is saying right now about the storm.
Do you have a Twitter profile?
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