For spring and our cherry blossoms…open! open! open!
We have three cherry trees in our front yard. I’ll have to post an "after" photo once they finally blossom. Meanwhile, I’ll try to be patient.
Helping Washington State homeowners learn more about their mortgage options.
For spring and our cherry blossoms…open! open! open!
We have three cherry trees in our front yard. I’ll have to post an "after" photo once they finally blossom. Meanwhile, I’ll try to be patient.
We decided to drive up to Bellingham today via Chuckanut Drive.
On our way back home, we picked up some fresh oysters at Samish Bay for dinner.
I wish I had a picture of our baked oysters in their shells…we devoured them too quickly! If you enjoy a beautiful drive with windy roads, evergreens, mossy trees, dramatic bays; I highly recommend taking the Chuckanut exit from I-5. Unwind.
I have never purchased an orchid before. They appear as if they would be high maintenance. I’ve been assured that they’re pretty easy as long as you put them in a spot where they’re happy. The previous owner of our home told us he kept orchids in a window which has a radiator underneath it constant providing moist heat to the flowers.
Of course I don’t start slow with one plant. I find three that I have to take home! We’ve had them for just shy of a month and they seem to be doing well.
Today marks the 50th Anniversary of when the JP Patches Show first aired in Seattle. I began to watch JP and Gertrude as a tyke many years ago and still adore them to this day. There is a public celebration to be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 in Des Moines. Read the Highlines Times for more information about JP (Chris Wedes) and the event.
2008 is a banner year for JP and Joanie as they celebrate 50-years of J.P. Patches in Seattle on Feb. 10, his 80th birthday in April and their 52nd wedding anniversary in May.
Physically challenged by a controllable blood cancer condition that requires dialysis three times a week, Wedes’ keen sense of humor and love of life remain the same.
And if he had it to do all over again, "would you be J.P. Patches one more time?" "Absolutely!"
What is also still taking place is fundraising to complete their statue. If you’re a local Patches Pal, please consider donating to this great cause. You can buy a Patches Pal Paver or simply send cash (they are both tax deductable). Excess funds will benefit Childrens Hospital and I believe the JP’s statue will actually function as a piggy-bank where the contributions will also be donated to Childrens. You just can’t go wrong!
If you love JP like I do, click his clown face on the right side of this blog and donate. Don’t be a Boris S. Wort be a Patches Pal! Photo from my 40th Birthday.
A Tip of the Hat to my MOM for giving me the heads up on the celebration for JP in Des Moines.
Last Saturday, my husband and I went to the 2008 Chinese New Year Gala Auction. This was a benefit for cancer research at Children’s Hospital, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and UW Medicine. It’s an amazing event which includes a Luly Yang run-way fashion show, live dancing, great food and wonderful people.
I’ve had the opportunity to see Phil Smart Sr. speak at many charitable events, including the New Teacher’s Breakfast I used to help organize when I volunteered for the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce Community Development Committee. He seems very genuine. Back to my story…
The event was over and everyone was going for their coats and I noticed Phil Smart walking towards his wife and I pointed him out whispering to my friend, Julie, asking if she knew who he was. His friend noticed I was watching and asked if we would like to meet Phil. I was very honored to do so and to tell him how much I appreciate all he has done for our community. He humbly replied that he’s lucky he receives all the attention he does, many others are just as charitable and do not receive the recognition. I was thrilled. Then when my husband and I were walking out of the Sheraton, we saw Mr. Smart and he gestured to us. He told my husband, "I’m not a fisherman, however, she’s a keeper!" Why yes I am!
We have a pair of Steller’s Jays that squawk almost every morning for peanuts.
As we all know, JP Patches will be celebrating his 50th anniversary of his television show that many of us in the Pacific Northwest watched as tikes to teens on February 10, 2008.
There is also a statue that has been commissioned of JP and Gertrude that will eventually be in Fremont, the center of the known universe. I believe the original plans were to unveil the statue on the 50th anniversary…I just received word from a Patches Pal that the big event (statue unveiling) is being pushed back to June.
Meanwhile…Patches Pavers are still available! Funds are still needed (to the tune of $70k) to complete this project and any excess will be donated to Children’s Hospital. You simply can’t go wrong! If you click on JP’s face on the right lower side this blog, you can order your custom paver today. I will be keeping JP’s face on my blog to help raise funds until the statue is complete or the fundraising is done (which ever comes last). Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the fundraising done by JP’s anniversary on February 10th?
P.S. Patches Pavers make wonderful Valentines Gifts! Show some love for your favorite clown.
Today my husband and I stumbled upon a park that we probably have driven by at least 100 times! Jack Block Park in West Seattle on Harbor Avenue. It’s industrial meets Mother Nature with the shipping lanes and Elliott Bay. Lately a pack of Sea Lions have hanging around too. What a treat! We also ventured into Harbor Island…more posts will follow. Click here for more photos.
Rhonda Porter is a Licensed Mortgage Originator MLO121324 living in the greater Seattle area. Rhonda began her career in 1986 in the title and escrow industry and began her mortgage career in 2000. She enjoys helping people understand the mortgage process and started writing The Mortgage Porter in late 2006. Read More…
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