My first time at a foreclosure auction
I recently attended my first trustee sale on the King County courthouse steps. The house next door to us, that has been vacant for a couple years was scheduled to be auctioned. My husband and I were curious as to who might be purchasing the property and I’ve always wanted to see what happens at a foreclosure auction.
Home Buyers who had a short sale or foreclosure are making a comeback
A “boomerang buyer” is the nick-name given to people who lost their home due to foreclosure or a short-sale during the Great Recession, who are “back” buying a home again. Realtytrac reports:
In 2015, the first wave of 7.3 million homeowners who lost their home to foreclosure or short sale during the foreclosure crisis are now past the seven-year window they conservatively need to repair their credit and qualify to buy a home. More waves of these potential boomerang buyers will be moving past that seven-year window over the next eight years corresponding to the eight years of above historically normal foreclosure activity from 2007 to 2014.
When Can I Buy Again after a Short Sale?
I received this question from on of our readers over the weekend:
Hi Rhonda, I completed a short sale in Sept 2012, looking to repurchase. I know that Fannie Mae just extended their post short sale repurchase guidelines to a waiting time of 4 years. What other options do I have? I have enough for downpayment and FICO around 720ish. Thanks!
Seattle Real Estate Chat: FHA’s Back to Work
In this week’s episode of Seattle Real Estate Chat we discuss FHA’s “Back to Work”. Back to Work is a newer extenuating circumstance that allows people who had a short sale or foreclosure to be able to buy again as long as the short sale or foreclosure happened because of a loss of income at no fault of their own (due to actions by their employer). You can read more about FHA’s Back to work program here.
Reader question: What can we do during the waiting period?
If you’ve had a bankruptcy, short sale or foreclosure, there is a waiting period that must take place before you can start the mortgage process. Wait periods vary depending on the type of derogatory event and the mortgage program. This reader’s excellent question is from an article I recently wrote about FHA’s “Back to Work” program.
We will reach our 1 year mark on January 30. Can we do anything before then to get the process started or do we have to wait until January 31?
FHA “Back to Work” is available at Mortgage Master Service Corporation
I’m pleased to inform you that I just received a memo from our management stating that we are accepting HUD”s guidelines for the “Back to Work” program.
HUD’s “Back to Work” guidelines allow people who had a foreclosure, short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure because of a significant loss of income and/or employment during the recession, to buy a home again quicker than the standard wait period of three years (for FHA).
FHA unveils “Back to Work” Guidelines for those who had a Short Sale or Foreclosure
UPDATE Sept 9, 2013: I just received a memo from our management and we are doing FHA’s “Back to Work” program for home buyers who meet the criteria.
HUD released Mortgagee Letter 2013-26, also referred to as “Back to Work” featuring enhanced guidelines for home owners who lost their homes via short sale or foreclosure due to financial difficulties. “Back to Work” shortens the required wait periods for borrowers wanting to buy a home again. From ML 2013-26:
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