2016 FHA Loan Limits for homes in Washington State

iStock-000018668640XSmallHUD has just announced FHA loan limits for 2016. Loan amounts were increased for King County, Pierce County, Snohomish County, Clark County and Skamania County.

All other counties have the same loan limits as they did in 2015.

2016 FHA loan limits for King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties are the same as 2016 Conforming High Balance loan limits.

Here is a complete list of FHA loan limits for all counties in Washington:

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates this week, December 8, 2015

2015-12-04 12.28.54I apologize for not getting this post done yesterday as I typically do. Last week, I was in Nashville attending the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Independent Mortgage Bankers Conference. It wrapped up on Friday which gave us some time to visit with my son who currently lives there. Our flight home Sunday afternoon was cancelled, which meant my sister-in-law and I had the pleasure of spending most of yesterday on flights to get back home to Seattle.  Just for fun, I thought I’d share a pic I took of Minnie Pearl’s hat and shoes, which are on display at the Ryman Auditorium, home of the original Grand Ole Opry.

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Redfin releases “Redfin Estimate”

mortgageporterhomeRedfin has unveiled their online home valuation estimating tool called (ready…) “Redfin Estimate”.

I’m doing some quick comparisons and from what I can tell so far by checking out homes in my West Seattle neighborhood, Redfin seems to offer more accurate home value estimates than Zillow’s Zestimates.

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DIY Penny Floor Update

Would you believe that as week four, we are about 75% down with gluing pennies to our floor? Rocko, our cat, has been sneaking his way into the room to supervise us.

2015-11-29 20.00.26

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates this Week: November 30, 2015

MortgagePorter-JobsReportWelcome to the last day of November and Cyber Monday. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
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Happy Thanksgiving

In the spirit of “throw back Thursday”, I thought I’d share a vintage photo of my Dad’s family. I doubt it was Thanksgiving, however it appears they were probably going to enjoy a feast of fresh salmon.

2015-07-30 20.06.54

My Dad is the young boy in the middle and my Grandpa Ray is the first gentleman on the left and next to him, is my Grandma Marian. I believe the home is in Renton…not sure if the home is my grandparents or the couple next to them.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!


2016 Conforming Loan Limits for Washington State Mortgages

MortgageConforming loan limits for homes in King County, Snohomish County and Pierce County received a boost with the high balance conforming loan limits of $23,000 for single family dwellings.

All other counties in Washington state will have 2015 conforming loan limits.

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NHF limits Grant Amounts based on Credit Scores

2013-03-07_0746The National Home Buyers Fund (NHF) recently made changes as to how much grant funds a home buyer may be eligible for.  The grant funds are available to help qualified home buyers with funds for closing cost and down payment. Unlike other forms of down payment assistance, grant funds are not repaid by the home buyer – it’s kind of like a gift from a rich uncle or aunt that you didn’t know you had. 🙂  You can learn more about the NHF Grant program by clicking here.

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