Conforming loan limits have been increased for 2017. The last time conforming loan limits were raised was in 2006. Conforming loan limits for the last ten years for a single family dwelling have been limited to $417,000, unless the home was located in a county with a high balance conforming loan limit. High balance conforming loan limits for the greater Seattle area have been raised as well to $592,250 for a single family dwelling. [Read more…]
BREAKING NEWS: Conforming Loan Limits INCREASED for 2017
Mortgage rates “spike” following the election
The graph from this morning’s PMMS report illustrates the dramatic jump in mortgage rates that happened following last week’s Presidential election. Mortgage rates, although still low, haven’t been in this range since January 2016.
Mortgage rates expected to trend higher following the October Jobs Report
Yesterday morning, the Jobs Report was released with data for the month of October. The report gave an overall healthy picture of the economy and came in slightly stronger than expected with 161,000 jobs added in October and positive revisions made to August and September. [Read more…]
What the ??? Wells Fargo!
Wells Fargo has been in the media quite a bit recently for terrible things the bank has done to their consumer clients and employees. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out…this is another example of how a powerful large bank has taken total advantage of consumers. [Read more…]
Mortgage Rates remain near “Record Lows”
Freddie Mac released the Prime Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS) this morning which is based on a survey average of conforming mortgage rates from last week.
Dear Rhonda “Is this a second home or primary residence”?
I recently received this question from one of my readers:
Dear Rhonda,
I am looking for information about the general way loans are done related to primary residence or second home.
I currently own 2 duplexes. My wife and I are renting and working in a location that is around 130 miles away from the location the home we want to buy is located. My wife has no loans in her name and was able to qualify due to good credit and job at current location 130 miles from home we want to buy. We are trying to buy a place that is far from our work with the plans of moving to this location. [Read more…]
Converting your existing home to a rental property
If you are buying your next home, you may be considering converting your existing home into a rental or second home. The lender on your new home will have different requirements depending on what type of financing you’re obtaining. [Read more…]
VA Appraisal Fees and Turn Times Increased
VA manages how much a Veteran can pay for an appraisal and sets time lines on how long a VA appraisal can take. The fee for Washington state has been $500 for an appraisal with up to 10 days for the appraisal to be delivered. Before the appraisal crisis, many would often complain about how long it took to get a VA appraisal…however, 10 days to receive an appraisal for $500 would now be a dream come true. [Read more…]
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