Hard to believe after months of planning, the Pacific Northwest Housing Summit and Seattle RE Barcamp events are done.
During the Housing Summit, I brought my netbook and provided a stream of updates via my Mortage Porter Twitter account and for PNWHS on Twitter. Overall I was very pleased with the event–there was a lot of good information (not all positive) shared with what to expect with housing in our area. The wrap-up post on the Housing Summit site will continue to be updated with articles as I find them. I was a bit disappointed that more real estate professionals did not show up for the event. I'm chalking it up to it being a reflection of the current state of our industry…especially mortgage originators. It's true that there were not continuing education clock hours valuable for LO's due to the NMLS requirements, but I don't that's reason enough to not attend an event like this. I wonder how many are planning to stick around in this industry as the bar continues to raise and disclosure forms continue to pile on. The job is much tougher than what it used to be and if the Fed (and big banks) have their way, our income will be reduced to peanuts. Good luck finding an experienced mortgage originator to assist you with your largest investment…sorry…didn't mean to digress!
Seattle RE Barcamp was a blast. I enjoyed really enjoyed volunteering for this event and strongly encourage others to do the same. Since it followed the Housing Summit, there were topics suggested that were beyond social media as I had hoped.
My only regret is that I couldn't attend more sessions! PS… if you have any photos or videos from the event, feel free to post them at the Flickr group.
We had folks from all over the country join us at the Seattle Center on last Thursday and Friday for the Housing Summit and RE Barcamp. I really enjoyed finally meeting Frank Garay and Brian Stevens from Think Big Work Small. I appreciate their efforts in keeping mortgage professionals up-to-date with current issues facing our industry laced with humor on their vlog.
Thank all of you for making both these events so special!
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