The Pacific Northwest Housing Summit and Seattle RE Barcamp

Hard to believe after months of planning, the Pacific Northwest Housing Summit and Seattle RE Barcamp events are done. 


During the Housing Summit, I brought my netbook and provided a stream of updates via my Mortage Porter Twitter account and for PNWHS on Twitter.  Overall I was very pleased with the event–there was a lot of good information (not all positive) shared with what to expect with housing in our area.   The wrap-up post on the Housing Summit site will continue to be updated with articles as I find them.  I was a bit disappointed that more real estate professionals did not show up for the event.  I'm chalking it up to it being a reflection of the current state of our industry…especially mortgage originators.  It's true that there were not continuing education clock hours valuable for LO's due to the NMLS requirements, but I don't that's reason enough to not attend an event like this.  I wonder how many are planning to stick around in this industry as the bar continues to raise and disclosure forms continue to pile on.  The job is much tougher than what it used to be and if the Fed (and big banks) have their way, our income will be reduced to peanuts.  Good luck finding an experienced mortgage originator to assist you with your largest investment…sorry…didn't mean to digress!  

PNWHSREBCSEA 264 Seattle RE Barcamp was a blast.  I enjoyed really enjoyed volunteering for this event and strongly encourage others to do the same.   Since it followed the Housing Summit, there were topics suggested that were beyond social media as I had hoped. 

My only regret is that I couldn't attend more sessions!  PS… if you have any photos or videos from the event, feel free to post them at the Flickr group.

We had folks from all over the country join us at the Seattle Center on last Thursday and Friday for the Housing Summit and RE Barcamp.   I really enjoyed finally meeting Frank Garay and Brian Stevens from Think Big Work Small.  I appreciate their efforts in keeping mortgage professionals up-to-date with current issues facing our industry laced with humor on their vlog.

Thank all of you for making both these events so special!

I hope to see you at The Pacific NW Housing Summit & Seattle RE Barcamp

The Pacific NW Housing Summit and RE Barcamp Seattle are taking place this week on Thursday, March 18 and Friday, March 19, 2010. If you are in any aspect of the real estate industry, I hope to see you at both events!

Friends Don’t Let Friends Miss Out on THE Premier Real Estate Event in Seattle

The Pacific Northwest Housing Summit and Seattle RE Barcamp 2010 are less than two weeks away!

It's time to rsvp to both events, if you haven't done so all ready.  Preregistration for the Pacific Northwest Housing Summit will save you $10!  RE Barcamp is free–but knowing how many folks to expect before the event is very helpful.

If you are in any aspect of the real estate industry–you don't want to miss out on either of these events.

I look forward to seeing you March 18th and 19th at the Seattle Center!

If You are in any aspect of the real estate industry, you don’t want to miss this…


Both events are at the Seattle Center:

March 18, 2010 – Pacific Northwest Housing Summit  
March 19, 2010 – RE Barcamp Seattle

The panelist for the Summit continue to grow and we anticipate quite a turn out from across the country at both events.  Sponsorship opportunities are still available and start at $250.  

Of course there will be "tweet-ups" and social hours following both days.

Be there!  Follow both events on Twitter: @pnwhs #pnwhs and @REbarcampSEA #rebcsea

PS:  Space is limited to the first 700 registered attendees for the PNWHS…and there's a "sweet heart deal" for pre-registrations by Valentines Day.  


Happy Third Birthday, Mortgage Porter

It's hard to believe that I've began writing on blogs three years ago today.   I honestly didn't expect anyone to read what I had to say about mortgages.  It almost began more as free therapy since I had to get what was bothering me about the industry off my chest.  And thanks to the current mortgage landscape, I still have plenty to write about and there are so many forums with social media.

Three years ago, I  had plugged away on Mortgage Porter until I was invited to be a contributing author at Rain City Guide, where I still post today.  I write for a few other blogs now and then too.  Social media has evolved during this time.  I also enjoy "micro-blogging" in 140 characters or less on Twitter, where I post the rate quotes I'm providing Washington State consumers, various mortgage factoids and personal odds and ends.  Facebook has become a place where I stay connected with family, friends and clients.   My blogging and participation in social media has brought me so many great opportunities including being recognized by peers with the Washington Association of Mortgage Professionals 2009 Jim Fitzgerald Distinguished Service Award and being a panelist at RE Blog World in Las Vegas.

And it all started with this blog post…go figure! 

Thank you for reading, commenting and for those of you who have selected me to be your mortgage professional.  I'm honored.

RE(mini)Barcamp Takes Place Tuesday, October 6th

Attention all real estate and mortgage professionals:MiniREBC

If you're interested in learning more about social media, come to RE(mini) Barcamp tomorrow in Bellevue at the Meydenbauer.

When:  Tuesday, October 6, 2009 from 8:30 am – noon

Where:  Meydenbauer Center

RSVP: by clicking here

Cost: FREE! 

This is a great chance to learn "peer to peer" with fellow real estate professionals who are implementing social media into their business practices.  

This event is called a "mini" because it's only a half day.  You will have the opportunity to attend three different sessions which will be determined Tuesday morning based on suggestions made by the participants.

Immediately after this event, WAMP will be holding their Annual Awards Luncheon with Spencer Rascoff of Zillow as the keynote speaker followed by the Connect Expo.  You're welcome to stay for either–rsvp here. 

By the way, Washington State Mortgage Originators, you can get 8 hours of continuing education Monday, October 5, 2009 at the Meydenbauer.  Jillayne Schlicke will be the instructor…I'm really looking forward to her classes.

I hope to see you on Tuesday!

National Night Out is Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Neighborhoods across the county will be holding events to get to know each better on the evening of Tuesday, August 4, 2009.  If you live in Seattle, you can register your "block party" with the NightOut09 Seattle Police Department.   Our neighborhood in West Seattle has enjoyed this chance to get together for the past couple of  years with a fun pot luck with someone from the SPD stopping by to answer our questions, informing us of recent crime trends or things to be aware of.

If you live in the Bellevue area, Crossroads Mall will be holding a National Night Out event from 4:00 – 7:00  p.m. with games and goodies for the kids.

The City of Renton will be hosting a Night Out event at the Highlands Community Center from 4:00 – 7:30 pm with free food and games.

NATIONAL NIGHT OUT is designed to:

  • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
  • Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs;
  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
  • Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

It's not too late to plan an event for your neighborhood.  Being aware and knowing your neighbors is a great first step in preventing crime.  You can start by contacting you local police department.

If you know of a local Neighborhood Night Out event, please share it with us and post it in the comment section.

Update:  I'll add neighborhood events as I receive them via comments to the body of this post.

High Point in West Seattle, will be holding a large Night Out event at Commons Park.

Kenmore City Hall from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.   Join the Kenmore Police Department at the annual National Night Out Against Crime event. The police chief will barbeque hamburgers and hotdogs for Kenmore citizens. Information will be available on block watches, house checks, personal safety, fingerprinting and ID cards for kids, bicycle registration cards and home fire prevention. FREE!

Hey LO’s! Join Me at Safeco Field on Friday, June 19, 2009

RSVP by clicking here!

