Attention all real estate and mortgage professionals:
If you're interested in learning more about social media, come to RE(mini) Barcamp tomorrow in Bellevue at the Meydenbauer.
When: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 from 8:30 am – noon
Where: Meydenbauer Center
Cost: FREE!
This is a great chance to learn "peer to peer" with fellow real estate professionals who are implementing social media into their business practices.
This event is called a "mini" because it's only a half day. You will have the opportunity to attend three different sessions which will be determined Tuesday morning based on suggestions made by the participants.
Immediately after this event, WAMP will be holding their Annual Awards Luncheon with Spencer Rascoff of Zillow as the keynote speaker followed by the Connect Expo. You're welcome to stay for either–rsvp here.
By the way, Washington State Mortgage Originators, you can get 8 hours of continuing education Monday, October 5, 2009 at the Meydenbauer. Jillayne Schlicke will be the instructor…I'm really looking forward to her classes.
I hope to see you on Tuesday!
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