I'm actually in route to Denver as I type this post. I'm a speaker at the first ever Mortgage Tech Summit which will be taking place tomorrow. I'm going to be showing fellow mortgage professionals how I create "talking" rate quotes and good faith estimates. If I've helped you with a refinance or buying a home in the past few years, then you're familar with this tool that I provide my clients. I've received wonderful feedback since my clients can refer back to their talking quotes and good faith estimates at their convenience and share them with their trusted financial advisor, real estate agents or family members. It's been an instrumental part of my business practice.
Even if I wasn't invited to speak at this event, I'd be on my to Denver for this event. I'm looking forward to all of the sessions and to learning from mortgage professionals from across the country whom I respect.
It's not too late to sign up if you're interested in joining us and you can follow the event by watching #MTS11 on Twitter.
I will be checking email and voice mail on breaks and will be back in Seattle on Friday.
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