It’s been a while since I’ve updated you on our penny floor project. The good news is that we are almost done with gluing all the pennies!
The not so good news is that we miscalculated how many “shiny” pennies we needed… actually, I DID calculate how many dark and shiny pennies we needed to do the boarder…however, I guess my hubby didn’t believe my math. I mean, it’s not like I do math for a living! LOL. So instead of mixing in the amount of shiny pennies that I estimated and keeping a certain amount reserved for the boarder, he estimated that we had far too many shiny pennies and decided to glue them in the closet area (which was not planned to have pennies in it). We ran out of shiny pennies about half-way through the closet and now have no shiny pennies for the boarder.
I went to our bank for $10 worth of penny rolls and unfortunately, not one of them were the “shiny” new rolls. I asked for shiny ones, however, banks don’t seem to like you to to be picky about pennies. Oh well… we will finish this floor on day!
It is looking nice and we’re so close to being done!!! 🙂
Stay tuned!
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