HUD recently reduced annual mortgage insurance premiums for FHA 30 year fixed rate mortgages by 50 basis points. The annual mortgage insurance premium is part of the monthly mortgage payment and 50 basis is a dramatic reduction. If you have a $400,000 loan amount, this is a monthly savings of $166.67 (400,000 x 0.50% divided by 12 months).
Lower FHA Mortgage Insurance + Low Mortgage Rates = FHA Streamline Refi’s
It’s Official: FHA Mortgage Insurance to be reduced
Today HUD issued Mortgagee Letter 2015-01 officially reducing FHA mortgage insurance effective on case numbers issued on or after January 26, 2015. HUD is also allowing existing case numbers (with the current higher mortgage insurance) to be cancelled as long as they were ordered within 30 days from today.
No Fooling! Time’s Running Out on Reduced FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums
There are just a few days left before FHA mortgages will have another increase to annual mortgage insurance premiums. Effective with case numbers issued April 1, 2013 and later, FHA annual mortgage insurance premiums will adjust an additional 10 bps to 15 bps.
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