Mortgage rate update for the week of March 11, 2013

MortgagePorter-JobsReportThe strong Jobs Report on Friday caused mortgage rates to trend higher. This morning rates are still at that level. Please keep in mind that although I talk about mortgage  rates been higher – they’re still very low. However if you’ve been pricing mortgage rates over the last two months, you’ll notice that the price (discount) for the same rate you’ve been quoted, cost more.

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Mortgage rate update for the week of January 28, 2013

Mortgage backed securities are in the red this morning. Although rates are still very low, those who have not locked in their mortgage rates may be surprised to see the rate or cost for the rate is now higher.  As the economy continues to show signs of improvement, investors will trade the safety of bonds (like mortgage backed securities) for stocks. 

As of 8:30 am this morning, 3.625% is priced near “par” (with as little rebate credit or discount points) for a 30 year fixed rate-term refinance (apr 3.690).  As you can see, mortgage rates are still very low however, they have been slowly trending higher. Rates change constantly and there are at least 10 factors that impact the pricing of mortgage rates. For your personal mortgage rate quote for your refi or home purchase anywhere in Washington state, click here.

This week is loaded with the FOMC rate decision on Wednesday and Friday’s Jobs Report. Here are some of the scheduled economic indicators and events that may impact mortgage rates this week.

Monday, January 28: Durable Goods Orders and Pending Home Sales

Tuesday, January 29: S&P Case Shiller Home Price Index and Consumer Confidence

Wednesday, January 30: GDP Chain Deflator, ADP National Employment Report, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and FOMC Meeting

Thursday, January 31: Employment Cost Index (ECI), Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), Initial Jobless Claims and Chicago PMI

Friday, February 1: THE JOBS REPORT, ISM Services Index and Consumer Sentiment (UoM)

You can follow me on Twitter for live mortgage rate quotes at @mortgageporter and/or “like me” on Facebook.

If your home is located anywhere in Washington state, where I’m licensed to originate, I’m happy to help you with your mortgage. 

Mortgage rate update for the week of December 31, 2012

Happy last day of 2012! Although this is a short week due to the New Year holiday, it’s packed with economic data that may impact mortgage rates, including The Jobs Report on Friday. Here are a few of the scheduled events for this week:

Monday, December 31, 2012: Last day for Congress to avoid the “fiscal cliff”.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013: HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013: ISM Index and FOMC Minutes

Thursday, January 3, 2013: ADP National Employment Report

Friday, January 4, 2013: The Jobs Report

Just a quick reminder, I am on a short vacation and will be returning to work on January 3, 2013.


Mortgage Rate Update for the week of December 3, 2012

mortgageporter-economyNot everything that impacts mortgage rates are scheduled economic indicators, like what I’m sharing with you below in this post. Sometimes Congress tacks on fees that are priced into interest interest rates too. For example, the House of Representatives just passed a new “G-Fee” to help fund an Immigration Bill, HR 1629. This “G-Fee” will impact new Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgages. Why new home buyers and people refinancing have to pay for this bill which does not relate to mortgages during a time housing is trying to recover puzzles me. Click here to see how your House Rep voted on this bill.

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Mortgage rate update for the week of October 29, 2012

This week is packed with economic indicators that may move mortgage rates with the grand finale being the Jobs Report on Friday.

Hurricane Sandy is also impacting the industry with the bond markets closing this afternoon and Tuesday. This is the first time in 19 years that the NYSE has closed due to a storm. Some lenders are closing their lock desk due to Hurricane Sandy. My thoughts and prayers to those who are in the path of this storm.

Here are some of the economic indicators scheduled to be released this week:

Monday, October 29: Personal Spending; Personal Consumption Expenditures and Core PCE; Personal Income

Tuesday, October 30: Auto Sales and Consumer Confidence

Wednesday, October 31: ADP National Employment Report; Employment Cost Index and Chicago PMI – Happy Halloween!

Thursday, November 1: Initial Jobless Claims; Productivity and ISM Index

Friday, November 2: The Jobs Report. NOTE: it’s expected that around 125,000 non-farm payroll jobs were added in September.

Remember mortgage rates are based on mortgage backed securities (bonds). Mortgage rates tend to improve when the stock market is doing poorly as investors will trade the potentially higher returns from stocks for the safety of bonds. The reverse is also true. Mortgage rates may change several times throughout the day.

Next week we have our elections. Please be sure to vote!

If you’re interested in refinancing or buying a home in Seattle, Redmond, Renton or anywhere in Washington State, where I’m licensed, I’m happy to help you.

Mortgage rate update for the week of October 1, 2012

mortgageporter-economyI cannot believe it’s October, can  you? Perhaps it’s our extended summery weather we are experiencing in Seattle. This being the first week of a month means that we have the Jobs Report being released this Friday. The Jobs Report tends to impact mortgage rates as it indicates how the economy is doing and the potential for wage inflation. It is anticipated that 120k jobs were added last month – we’ll see how the numbers pencil out on Friday when September’s Jobs Report is released. Wednesday is loaded with both the ADP National Employment Report and the release of the FOMC minutes.

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What May Impact Mortgage Rates the Week of September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day! Our office is closed today and will reopen for business as usual on tomorrow, September 4, 2012. Here are a few economic indicators scheduled to be released this week which may impact mortgage rates, including Friday’s Jobs Report.

Tuesday, Sept. 4: ISM Index

Wednesday, Sept. 5: Productivity

Thursday, Sept. 6: ADP National Employment Report, Initial Jobless Claims and ISM Services Index

Friday, Sept. 7: The Jobs Report

On Thursday, we may see mortgage rates impacted by Europe following the Central Bank meeting lead by Mario Draghi. Remember, mortgage rates are based on bonds (mortgage backed securities) and when investors seek the safety of bonds over the potential higher return with stocks, mortgage rates tend to improve and vice versa. 

If you are interested in a mortgage rate quote for a purchase or refinance for a home located anywhere in Washington state, please contact me.  You can also see live mortgage rates I’m quoting on Twitter.