Tips on how to save up for a down payment

iStock_000009450603SmallGet Rich Slowly recently posted How to Save Up for a Down Payment Fast.  I’d like to respond to some of the ideas offered in GRS’s post from a Mortgage Professional’s viewpoint and offer my advice.

Here are some of the suggestions on How to Save Up for Down Payment Fast along with my 2 cents (in italics).

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The FHA HAWK Program for Homebuyers

Osprey_muralA few weeks ago, HUD announced a new program created for first time home buyers which rewards them with reduced mortgage insurance premiums after they participate in home buyer education and one-on-one housing counseling. HAWK or Homeowners Armed with Knowledge is a pilot program set be released in two phases on a limited basis.

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First Time Home Buyers Guide Book

Check out the latest edition of Your First Home Mortgage Guide.

Although I wrote this book with first time home buyers in mind, a majority of the content is relevant to all home buyers.

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What is a Mortgage Credit Certificate or MCC?

Mortgage Credit Certificate (or also referred to as MCC) is a federal tax credit available to first time home buyers who meet certain requirements. With the tax credit, eligible home buyers can adjust their their withholding to take advantage of the savings monthly instead of waiting until they file their taxes.  The MCC remains available as long as the borrower owns and occupies the property.

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WSHFC now offers reduced mortgage rates with no DPA

2013-03-07_0746The Washington State Housing Finance Commission offers several mortgage programs with various types of down payment assistance for home buyers. In order to qualify for the program, home buyers need to have household income of $97,000 or lower and attend a WSHFC sponsored home buyers class.

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Why would anyone want an FHA mortgage?

mortgageporter-thinkingLet me start by saying there’s nothing wrong with having an FHA insured mortgage. FHA mortgages have been a resource for first time home buyers and borrowers who lack significant down payment since their inception 40 years ago…. BUT with the increases to the upfront and monthly mortgage insurance premiums and the reduced loan limits, many borrowers could be better off considering loans other than FHA.

When I’m working with a home buyer who’s considering an FHA mortgage, here are some of the other mortgage programs I suggest they consider:

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Question about Home Advantage Down Payment Assistance (DPA)

mortgageporter-thinkingYesterday I received an email with this question that I thought would be helpful to my readers considering the popular Home Advantage Mortgage program with down payment assistance:

I’ve been studying the different loan programs in WA State and came across your website. We’re considering taking out a Home Advantage mortgage but need clarification on one of the restrictions.

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Freddie Mac Home Possible Mortgage

2013-03-07_0746Freddie Mac’s Home Possible Mortgage is a great mortgage program designed for first time home buyers. What’s so special about this program is that it allows a home buyer to qualify for dramatically reduced mortgage insurance premiums with a minimum down payment.  The down payment may be gifted by a family member. No reserves are required for a single family dwelling.

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