Should I do an FHA streamline refi if my rate is 4.875%?

This is a scenario I’m reviewing for one of my clients who lives in Seattle.  His existing mortgage is a 30 year fixed FHA at 4.875%. He closed on this loan after June 1, 2009 so it does not qualify for FHA’s reduced mortgage insurance premiums*. However, he can still take advantage of today’s low mortgage rates as long as the refi meets HUD’s “net tangible benefit” requirements of reducing his payment by at least 5%.

HUD’s Net Tangible Benefit requires that the “PIMI” (principal, interest and mortgage insurance) payment be reduced by at least five percent or the refinance cannot happen. This has been an issue for home owners who would like to refinance from their FHA 30 year fixed to an FHA 15 year fixed as HUD does not make an exception for those who would like to shorten their mortgage term if the payment increases — even if the borrower qualifies with documenting their income (some FHA streamlines do not require income to be documented). 

The Seattle client I’m working with is doing a “credit qualifying” FHA streamline refi for a 30 year fixed.  His current principal and interest is $1171.55 and the monthly mortgage insurance payment is $95.90 for a total PIMI payment of $1,267.45.  His new PIMI payment needs to be less by at least 5% ($63.37) which means his new PIMI needs to be $1,204.08 or lower.

As of 10:00 am this morning (July 6, 2012) I’m quoting 3.375% for a 30 year fixed FHA streamline refi with no appraisal (apr 4.554) with a base loan amount of $212,750.  After his upfront mortgage insruance premium credit from his existing FHA insured loan and interest rate credit, he’ll need to bring in about $1200 at closing. He won’t have a mortgage payment due until a month after closing and receiving a refund of his existing reserve account balance a couple weeks after closing.  

But what about the new PIMI?  Principal and interest is $957.01 and the monthly mortgage insurance is $210.85 for a total PIMI of $1,167.86.  The new refinance meets HUD’s net tangible benefit requirement.  

The Seattle homeowner is reducing their payment by $100 per month. **And after 60 payments and when the loan balance reaches 78% loan to value, the monthly mortgage insurance will terminate.  

**UPDATE 12/19/2012: FHA mortgage insurance will not be cancelled on new mortgages effective January 2013. It will remain on the life of the loan (until it is paid off or refinanced to a non-FHA mortgage).** Read more here.

*NOTE: If the FHA mortgage being refi’d was endorsed by HUD prior to June 1, 2009, the savings would be even greater as it would qualify for reduced mortgage insurance.

If you have an FHA insured mortgage and are interested in an FHA streamlined refinance on your home located anywhere in Washington, please contact me.  I’m happy to help you!

Has your Bank turned down your refi?

IStock_000014142621XSmallIn a time when one might assume that their bank would work with them to refinance their home, many Washington homeowners are finding quite the opposite. I’m hearing from local homeowners who have made their mortgage payments on time and who qualify for refinance (income, employment and assets) yet their bank is either unwilling to provide the refinance or is taking several months to close it.

For example, several large banks will only do FHA streamline refinances on mortgages they currently service.  You can have your checking and savings accounts any of these banks, but if they don’t currently service your mortgage, it’s my understanding they will not assist you with your FHA streamlined refinance.  NOTE: We can help you refinancing your FHA streamlined mortgage from any bank as long as your home is located in Washington.  

Banks are also being very selective when it comes to HARP 2.0 (home affordable) refinances. Some are electing not to help mortgages they currently service because of lpmi (lender paid mortgage insurance) or pmi when many of these loans are eligible to refinance. 

Bottom line, if your bank or mortgage servicer has turned down your refinance (or if they’re stalling the process) and your credit, income and assets are good: get a second opinion.  

If your home is located anywhere in Washington state, I’m happy to review your scenario. I’ve been originating and closing refinance and purchase mortgages at Mortgage Master Service Corporation since April 2000. 

HUD rescinds recent guidelines on collections and disputed accounts

Earlier this year, HUD released Mortgagee Letter 2012-3 which featured tougher underwriting guidelines. This week they released ML 2012-10 which effective immediately recinds the guidelines that would impact:

  • paying off collections and judgements; and
  • disputed accounts

All other guidelines address in ML 2012-3, including those that address income of self employed borrowers, are still going into effect.

Per ML 2012-3, the old guidance (which is now the “effective” guidance per ML 2012-10) does not automatically require collections to be paid off however judgements do need to be satisfied and paid off.  Disputed accounts are to be referred to underwriting (and most likely will need to be removed from the credit report).

Again, we’ll need to see how banks and lenders treat this rescission of guidelines or if they opt to stick with the tougher requirements by creating their own underwriting overlays.

Banks playing hardball with FHA Streamline Refi’s: ACT NOW!!

No sooner had the reduced MI gone into effect with FHA streamline refinances, some banks announced that they would only provide FHA streamline refinances on mortgages they currently service.  I can understand a bank doing this on the “non-credit qualifying” refinances where borrowers do not document their income or assets, however I have a hard time accepting this when a borrower is doing a full “credit qualifying” FHA streamlined refinance.

By limiting availability of a program to home owners who are ABLE AND WANT to continue to make their mortgage payments and take advantage of the historically low mortgage rates, these banks are hampering the recovery of our housing markets.

Wells Fargo, with a significant market-share of FHA insured loans, was the first bank to come out with this announcement. If you have an FHA mortgage with Wells Fargo, I can help still you with your refinance if your home is located in Washington. I just have to keep your new FHA loan with Wells Fargo. Other banks have followed suit with a few giving us deadlines of up to this Friday, June 22, 2012 for accepting FHA streamline loans they do not service.  

UPDATE: Received a notice of one bank adding a price hit for FHA streamlined refinances… somehow I don’t think HUD invisioned banks cherry picking and charging more for this program when HUD reduced the mortgage insurance premiums.

I continue to get announcements from the various banks and lenders we work with. Thankfully not all banks are following Wells Fargo’s suit.

BOTTOM LINE: if you have an FHA mortgage and are interested in an FHA streamlined refinance, please don’t delay! Banks are making them less available.

If your home is located anywhere in Washington state, I can help you with your FHA insured loan.  We are *currently* working with lenders who will accept FHA loans currently being serviced from other banks.  Click here to apply.

FHA Streamlined Refi Revamped and Revisited

There is a lot of interest in the FHA streamlined refinance since HUD has greatly reduced the mortgage insurance premiums for some home owners who originated their existing FHA mortgage May 2009 and earlier. FHA streamlined refinances are designed to reduce mortgage payments and borrowers are not allowed to take “cash out” or pay off existing helocs or second mortgages. In order to qualify for an FHA streamlined refiance, the borrower must have made at least six payments on the FHA loan and needs to be current with the mortgage.  Here are a few tips on FHA streamlined refinances I thought I’d share with you.

No appraisal required. If you opt to not have an appraisal, then your new loan amount may not exceed your current loan amount. This means that your closing cost and prepaids/reserves cannot be financed (upfront mortgage insurance is still allowed to be rolled into the loan). Closing cost and prepaids/reserves may be paid for with interest rate rebate credit or cash at closing.  If you opt to have an appraisal, then your loan amount may be increased.

Credit qualifying vs non credit qualifying.  FHA streamline refi’s may not require verification of your income or assets (non-credit qualifying). Did you know that you may qualify for improved pricing if you opt for a credit qualifying FHA streamlined refi? Pricing varies throughout the day and when I’m locking an FHA streamlined refi for a Washington area homeowner, if pricing is the same, I’ll opt for non-credit qualifying. However if pricing is improved for a credit qualifying streamlined refinance, I’ll advise my client of the pricing differences and let them decide which route they prefer.

Underwriting overlays. Although HUDs guidelines might state something different, the banks and lenders we work with allow us to help home owners who have a low-mid credit score of 640 or higher. If your credit score is below 640, you may want to consider working directly with your bank.

Net tangible benefit. HUD requires that the loan “makes sense” and that is defined as a reduction in your mortgage payment (principal, interest and mortgage insurance) of at least 5%. It may also mean refinancing your FHA ARM into an FHA fixed rate product. Unfortunately, if you’re refinancing an FHA 30 year to a FHA 15 year fixed rate product, and your payment does not go down by 5%, you will not meet the current “net tangible benefit” requirement – even if you’re doing a “credit qualifying” FHA streamlined refinance and fully disclosing your income. This is something HUD needs to correct, in my opinion.

Reduced mortgage insurance premiums. HUD has announced reduced mortgage insurance premiums (both annual and upfront) for FHA loans that were endorsed (insured) by HUD prior to June 1, 2009.  FHA loans are endorsed by HUD after closing – sometimes several weeks after closing so it’s possible your FHA mortgage closed in May of 2009 and not endorsed until after the cut-off date.

Credit of your existing upfront mortgage insurance premium (UFMIP). If your existing FHA insured mortgage was originated over the past three years, it may not quaify for qualify for the reduced mortgage insurance, however, you probably will receive a refund of a portion of the original UFMIP. The refund is credited towards the closing cost of your new FHA loan and ranges from 80% to 10% of the original UFMIP by the 36th month.

FHA streamlined refinances are available for non-owner occupied homes too! If you have a home that has been converted to a rental property and the underlying mortgage is FHA, it’s eligible for an FHA streamlined refinance as long as the owner occupied it for a least 12 months.  With a non-onwer occupied FHA streamlined refinance, it must be done without an appriasal so no closing cost may be financed (except the upfront MIP).

If you are interested in refinancing your existing FHA insured mortgage on a home located anywhere in Washington, I’m happy to help you. I’ve been originating FHA home loans at Mortgage Master Service Corporation since April 2000, where we have in house FHA underwriters at our main office in King County.  Click here for your FHA rate quote.

Just one more week for higher and lower FHA mortgage insurance premiums

A week from today, on June 11, 2012, HUD has more changes scheduled for FHA mortgage insurance premiums. I've been sharing this news with you here on my blog.

Let's start with the higher premiums. If you are considering an FHA high balance (also known as an FHA jumbo) mortgage, if possible, you want to obtain your FHA case number as soon as possible.  Starting next week, effective on case numbers obtained on or after June 11, 2012, FHA annual mortgage insurance premiums for high balance loans will go up an additional 0.25%.  FHA annual mortgage insurance is paid monthly.

In the greater Seattle area, this will impact FHA loans from $417,001 to $567,500.

I have more about the increase to the FHA mortgage insurance premiums on this earlier post.

If you are buying a home with utilizing an FHA insured mortgage – make sure you get your case number pronto.  This also implies to you if you're doing a rate-term FHA refinance (not an FHA streamline) or an FHA streamline refinance that was endorsed after June 1, 2009.  

This is a good segue to the reduced premiums that take effect next week…

HUD has dramatically reduced FHA mortgage insurance premiums on loans that were endorsed prior to June 1, 2009.  An FHA mortgage is "endorsed" after closing – sometimes many weeks after.  It's possible your FHA mortgage closed in May 2009 and was not endorsed until after June 1, 2009, in which case, your loan would not qualify for the reduced mortgage insurance premiums.

If your FHA mortgage was endorsed prior to June 1, 2009, your eligible for greatly reduced MI rates.  HUD has reduced the upfront mortgage insurance premium to 0.01% and the annual mortgage insurance premium to 0.55%.  It's a significant savings, especially when you factor in today's extremely low mortgage rates.  

The reduced FHA mortgage insurance premiums are available for FHA streamlined refinances with case numbers obtained on or after June 11, 2012.  Guess what?  You do not need to wait until June 11, 2012 to start your FHA streamlined refinance.  We are accepting mortgage applications now for FHA streamlined refinances as long as your home is located in Washington state.  FHA streamlined refinances do not require an appraisal so it's okay if your home has lost value.

I have been originating FHA loans since April 2000 at Mortgage Master Service Corporation. If your home is located in Washington State, I'm happy to help you with your mortgage. Click here if you would like me to provide you with a mortgage rate quote for your Washington home.

Don’t Delay: FHA Mortgage Insurance set to increase (again) for FHA Jumbos on June 11, 2012

Last month, HUD increased FHA mortgage insurance rates on both upfront and annual (paid monthly) premiums. Borrowers who are considering an FHA high balance (aka FHA jumbo) loan amount, will see another increase to FHA mortgage insurance next month.

Effective on case numbers issued on or after June 11, 2012, FHA annual mortgage insurance premiums for "high balance" FHA loan amounts by 0.25 bps. In the greater Seattle area (King, Snohomish and Pierce counties), this impacts loan amounts between $417,001 to $567,500 for 1-unit properties.

Currently, FHA high balance mortgages have annual insurance premiums per the table below.

Effective with FHA case numbers issued June 11, 2012 and later, the annual mortgage insurance premium for FHA jumbos will look like this:

Term greater than 15 years

  • LTV equal or less than 95% = 145 bps
  • LTV greater than 95% = 150 bps

Term 15 years or less with LTV above 78%

  • LTV equal or less than 90% = 60 bps
  • LTV greater than 90% = 85 bps

FHA annual mortgage insurance is paid monthly. To determine how much the annual mortgage insurance will impact your monthly mortgage payment, multiply the base loan amount by the bps. 

Today, a Seattle home with a 95% LTV and an FHA Jumbo 30 year fixed with a base loan amount of $560,000 would have an a monthly mortgage insurance of $583.00 (560,000 x 1.25% = 7,000 divided by 12 months = 583.33).

With FHA Case numbers issued as of June 11, 2012 or later, the same Seattle home will have a $116.67 higher monthly mortgage premium.  (560,000 x 1.50% = 8,400 divided by 12 months = $700.00 per month).

If you are considering an FHA Streamline refi in the greater Seattle area (King, Pierce or Snohomish counties) and your loan amount is $417,001 to $567,500 and you obtained your FHA loan after May 2009, you may want to start your refi now! NOTE: If your existing FHA mortgage was endorsed by HUD prior to June 1, 2009, you qualify for reduced FHA mortgage insurance premiums. If you would like a rate quote, click here.

If you are considering buying a home or are in contract to buy a home and you have an FHA jumbo, make sure your mortgage professional obtains your FHA case number prior to June 11, 2012.

I'm happy to help you with your FHA mortgage if your home is located any where in the state Washington. 

FHA Underwriting Guidelines Tightening

UPDATE 6/19/2012: HUD has rescinded some of the guidelines issued in this Mortgagee Letter. Specifically those addressing collections and disputed accounts.

In late February, HUD released Mortgagee Letter 2012-3 with tougher guidelines for self-employed borrowers, disputed accounts and collections. Over the weekend, HUD amended the guidelines to have the disputed accounts and collections go into effect on July 1, 2012.  However the new guidelines for self employed borrowers went into effect for case numbers as of April 1, 2012.  

Here is a quick(?) 4-1-1 of the new guidelines:

Income documentation requirements for self-employed borrowers:

A P&L and Balance Sheet is required if more than a calendar quarter has elapsed since the date of most recent calendar or fiscal-year end tax return was filed by the borrower with no exceptions.

If income used to qualify the borrower exceeds the two year average of tax returns, an audited P&L or signed quarterly tax returns obtained from the IRS are required.

NOTE: This is in addition to providing two years your most recent complete (all schedules) personal and business tax returns. Borrowers who are doing an FHA non-credit qualifying streamline refi may be exempt.

Disputed accounts on your credit report

When an account on your credit report shows as being disputed, the application will be referred to a DE underwriter for review unless:

  • The TOTAL oustanding balance of all disputed credit accounts or collections are less than $1000; and
  • Disputed credit accounts or collections are aged two years from the date of the last activity as indicated on the most recent credit report.

Disputed credit accounts or collections resulting from identity theft, credit card theft, or unathorized use, etc., will be excluded from the $1000 limit provided acceptable supporting documentation can be provided, such as a police report.


Disputes on authorized user accounts are also factored into the $1000 limit.

NOTE: Conventional financing has really cracked down on disputed accounts as well.


If the total outstanding balance of all collection accounts is equal to or greater than $1000 the borrower must resolve the accounts (e.g. enter into payment arrangements with minimum three months verified payments) or paid off in full at time of or prior to closing. 

If the total outstanding balance is less than $1000, the borrower is not required to pay off the collection accounts as condition of the mortgage approval.

NOTE: If you're paying off collections, please consult with your mortgage originator before you do and remember to always obtain documentation to show your account is satisfied and paid in full.

If you're planning on paying down balances of disputed accounts and collections to reduce the accumulative balance to $1000, you can forget about it.  HUD says this is a no-go. 

But wait… there's more! 

As Washington is a community property state, if a non-purchasing spouse has outstanding collections and/or disputed accounts, the unpaid balances must be considered in the $1000 cumulative limit UNLESS documentation can be provided to document the debt incurred prior to the marriage – it's possible an attorney's opinion letter may be required stating the borrower was not responsible for that debt.

Medical collections are included (NOT excluded) from the $1000 cumulative limit. This is possibly the most surprising to me as FHA, in the past, has been more forgiving of medial debts. Not so anymore.  


Yet…I'm also reading in the FAQs that unpaid charge-offs are not factored into the $1000 accumulative limit. I find this interesting as lenders view charge-offs as collections. Although HUD might be okay with charge-off's, I would anticipate lender underwriting over-lays on this one.

Speaking of underwriting overlays, we still need to see how lenders will embrace the new guidelines. Although the disputed accounts and underwriting guidelines for collections have been delayed until July, it's quite possible some lenders might implement these guidelines earlier.

Stay tuned and get started on your preapproval for your mortgage EARLY.

If I can help you with a home located anywhere in Washington, please contact me.