Yesterday, Dr. Ben Carson was formally sworn in as the Secretary of HUD. Secretary Carson, from HUD’s press release, stated:
“”I am immensely grateful and deeply humbled to take on such an important role in service to the American people,” said Secretary Carson. “Working directly with patients and their families for many years taught me that there is a deep relationship between health and housing. I learned that it’s difficult for a child to realize their dreams if he or she doesn’t have a proper place to live, and I’ve seen firsthand how poor housing conditions can rob a person of their potential. I am excited to roll up my sleeves and to get to work.”
Now the big question is IF Secretary Carson will reinstate the reduction to FHA mortgage insurance that was abruptly terminated when Trump took office. To be fair, in my opinion, it was a very political move that former HUD Secretary Castro did with dropping the mortgage insurance towards the end of his term without consulting the new administration.
When and if Secretary Carson reduces the FHA mortgage insurance premium, I will be sure to post it here.
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