June’s Magnificent 7 Consumer Articles

Nommag72008_2Larry Cragun is at it again…reading thousands of posts and determining which one’s cut the mustard to be nominated for his monthly Magnificent 7.   At the end of the year, he has the gynormous task of reviewing his monthly nominees from 2008 and narrowing all 84 post down to the Magnificent 7 of 2008.   I’m thankful he does this because, as much reading as I do, Larry always seems to find important consumer focused articles that I’ve missed.

It’s always an honor to be considered one of the Magnificent 7 and for June Have You Co-Signed For a Mortgage? was recognized.

Do check out my fellow nominees by visiting Real Estate Undressed…and please thank Larry for his dedication.


  1. Just as with any mortgage, consumers need to make sure they are working with a qualified Mortgage Professional.

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