I have been totally impressed watching how Brian Brady has utilized Twitter to keep his clients (consumer and real estate) informed of market trends with Twitter. He has inspired me to do kind of the same. I’m not going to give daily lock advice (99% of time, I would encourage you to lock anyway).
But I will post
- examples of current loan scenarios I’ve priced or locked to give you a real time idea of the market.
- important breaking news that impacts the mortgage industry.
- what ever else I find interesting…
I’m not sure how exactly how I’m going to use Twitter. I invite you to be a part of my Twitter beta-group. Click here.
The market is just moving and changing so quickly, I think it calls for information to be distributed quicker for those who desire that. Don’t worry…I promise won’t add a CNBC nano-second ticker on the bottom of my website for the latest breaking news…you will see my Twitter updates on the left side of this blog (under favorite links).
They are saying the Echostar financial is going to shape up the current mortgage crisis.