Fun at the Carnival of Real Estate


No…I didn’t win a prize but this was my first time trying out my luck with the Real Estate Carnival hosted by ARDELL at Rain City Guide.   I’ve never played at the Carnival before and I’m not sure why that is.    Any recognition that Mortgage Porter has received thus far has been from readers on their own; nothing that I applied for or sought out.   I have to say, I’m very surprised and tickled pink like a swirl of cotton candy that I received an "honorable mention" for How an Overdue Library Book Declined a Mortgage.

Here are the real winners of Carnival of Real Estate #51:

  1. Brian Brady "Selling Like a Catholic School Girl"
  2. Peter Comitini "Co-ops Losing Clout with Luxury Buyers"
  3. Jay Thompson "The Combination Real Estate Agent/Lender: One-Stop Shopping, or Half-Assed Service?"
  4. Frank Llosa "Reject THROW-UP Listings.  Do it RIGHT, not RIGHT NOW!"
  5. Brande Bradford "Top Ten Tidbits for Success"
  6. Silicon Valley Blogger "Expected Rate of Decline of Home Prices Next Year"
  7. Greg Swann "Divorcing  the real estate commissions is simply a matter of HUD-1 bookkeeping effected by the mortgage lender"
  8. Richard Kruse "It’s a Bloodbath and Time to Swim with the Sharks"

Hats off to ARDELL who not only hosted this festival but did so while preparing for Blog Tour USA to land in Seattle with dinner at her home on Thursday.   A woman after my own heart!

And I can’t think a better way for Mortgage Porter to celebrate it’s 200th Post!


  1. I didn’t realize it was your first ever blog post sumbitted to the Carnival.

    I applied NO favoritism, so you made it kiddo! and on your very first try!

    No go for #1

  2. Typo 🙁 Should say NOW go for #1!

  3. I didn’t expect even a mention! I was truly honored…I think felt safer trying out the carnival with you at the helm. I’m going for it again this time, too! What the heck… LOL

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