Should You Avoid Private Mortgage Insurance

Recently I was invited to contribute to an article for U.S. News on How to Avoid PMI on a Mortgage with Less Than 20% Down by Gina Freeman. The article includes various strategies on how to avoid private mortgage insurance. Private mortgage insurance is typically required when someone is putting down less than 20% for a home purchase or if someone has higher than an 80% loan-to-value if they’re refinancing a property and are using a conventional mortgage.

There are many ways private mortgage insurance (pmi) can be paid for, including a lump sum “single premium” as a closing cost or as part of the monthly mortgage payment. There is also “split premium” which is a combo of a single premium and monthly and lender paid. The seller may even be able to contribute towards private mortgage insurance if negotiated in the real estate contract and the loan meets required guidelines.down less than 20% for a home purchase or if someone has higher than an 80% loan-to-value if they’re refinancing a property and are using a conventional mortgage. [Read more…]

Private Mortgage Insurance Pricier for Single Borrowers

Private mortgage insurance is required on conventional mortgages when there is less than 20% equity on a property, when the loan-to-value is greater than 80%. Private mortgage insurance (pmi) that is paid monthly automatically drops off the mortgage payment once the mortgage balance reaches 78% of the original loan amount. Private mortgage insurance premiums are intended to be risked based. The more equity or down payment on a home and the higher your credit scores are, the lower the premiums tend to be. [Read more…]