HARP 2.0 for your High Balance (aka Conforming Jumbo) Mortgage

Conforming mortgages have a loan limit of $417,000 for a single family dwelling. Some counties in Washington, such as King, Pierce, Snohomish and San Juan, qualify for an additional higher limit known as "high balance" or sometimes called "conforming jumbo". In the greater Seattle area, the current high balance conforming loan limit is $417,001 to $506,000. (NOTE: FHA's high balance loan limit in greater Seattle is $567,500).  

High balance conforming mortgages may qualify for HARP 2.0, which allows home owners to take advantage of today's lower rates and refinance regardless of how much equity their home has lost.

You can learn more about Fannie and Freddie's programs and what I can offer Washington homeowners by reviewing my complete HARP 2.0 guideline.  

Here are some basic pointers for a high balance HARP 2.0 refi:

  • existing mortgage must be securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. This is different than who you make your mortgage payments to. If when you obtained your mortgage, it was considered a jumbo/non-conforming (vs a high balance conforming), then odds are, it's not a Fannie/Freddie mortgage.
  • existing mortgage must have been securitized prior to June 1, 2009. This is different than when you closed your existing mortgage. Securitization often takes place weeks or even a few months after the mortgage is closed. 
  • maximum loan amount capped at current high balance loan limits. In greater Seattle, this is currently $506,000. It's possible to currently have a true high balance conforming mortgage at a higher loan amount since they were previously at $567,500 and rolled back to $506,000 recently. HARP 2.0 is limited to current conforming loan limits. A cash-in refinance may be a consideration for those home owners with those loans who want to take advantage of HARP 2.0.
  • no maximum loan-to-value unless your new mortgage is an ARM (they're capped at 105% ltv). It doesn't matter how much equity your home has lost – as long as it meets the rest of the criteria, HARP 2.0 may be an option.
  • most transactions do not require appraisal. Once an application is submitted, we are able to run it through Fannie or Freddies automated underwriting systems (DU or LP) which determines if an appraiser is required. Currently, a majority of HARP 2.0 refinances do not require an appraisal.
  • rate-term refinance only. You cannot take cash out or pay off a second mortgage/home equity line of credit.
  • second mortgages and helocs will need to agree to be subordinated. This is so that the new first mortgage keeps first lien position. I'm seeing most second mortgage lien holders being very cooperative and agreeing to subordinate. 
  • existing private mortgage insurance is okay as long as it can be transferred to the new loan. Even if your current mortgage has LPMI (lender paid mortgage insurance) it can probably be transferred to the new mortgage. 
  • owner occupied, second homes and investment properties qualify including single family detached dwellings, condos and townhomes.
  • one 30 day mortgage mortgage late allowed during the last 12 months IF it did not happen during the last 6 months.

If you would like me to provide you with a rate quote for your home located anywhere in Washington for a HARP refinance, click here

What if your scenario doesn't meet the criteria for HARP 2.0?  You do have some options.  FHA may be a consideration, however it does have both upfront and monthly mortgage insurance (which is increasing on June 11, 2012). Current non-conforming jumbo rates are very low, however they require equity of at least 15% (combined with a second mortgage).  

Congress is pushing for HARP 3.0 which would expand the above guidelines to allow more underwater home owners participate in the Home Affordable Refinance Program.  And President Obama is promoting his refinance plan which would allow mortgages that do not qualify for HARP (not securitized by Fannie or Freddie) to be refinanced using an FHA insured mortgage.  

If your home is located anywhere in Washington and you've been current on your mortgage payments, I'm happy to review your options. I have been originating mortgages at Mortgage Master Service Corporation for the last 12 years.  I'm required to provide the following language if I'm trying to solicit your HARP refinance – and if your home is anywhere in Washington state, I am!

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have adopted changes to the Home Affordable Refinance program (HARP) and you may be eligible to take advantages of these changes.  

If your mortgage is owned or guaranteed by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, you may be eligible to refinance your mortgage under the enhanced and expanded provisions of HARP.

You can determine whether your mortgage is owned by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae by checking the following websites:

www.freddiemac.com/mymortgage or




HARP 2.0, Greedy Big Banks and….We NOW offer Higher Loan to Values!

It's been a bit disappointing that HARP 2 has not been made as available to consumers as it should be. First, underwater homeowners had to wait a couple months for the program to become available and now, those who have the more challenging HARP refi's (loan to values over 105% or with private mortgage insurance) are finding that their options are even more limited. In addition, many banks are "cherry picking" which of their consumers they'll help and who they'll pawn off to large internet mortgage companies.  

NOTE: Mortgage Master Service Corporation has recently added new lenders that offer loan to values over 105%!!  For your HARP 2.0 rate quote on your home located in Washington State, please click here.

According to this article in Housing Wire, banks are making huge profits by not allowing for more competition, enabling them to charge hire rates to consumers.

HARP demand is rising at the banks, and they are generating new profits from it. Revenue at the Wells Fargo ($33.84 0%) mortgage department jumped by $1.6 billion in the first quarter as originations spiked. The bank said 15% of the originations completed in the first three months of the year were refinances under the new HARP.

Anthony Sanders, a professor of finance at George Mason University, told the panel Bank of America ($8.27 0%) received more than 30,000 HARP applications since mid-January.

A Senate subcommittee is currently reviewing how to make HARP 2.0 more readily available to consumers who qualify. In order to qualify for the Home Affordable Refinance Program, the mortgage needs to have been securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac prior to June 1, 2009. Other conditions apply as well.

Expanded LTVs are available – just not as available as they should be if we really want our housing to have a chance to recover.

Mortgage Master Service Corporation has recently added new lenders who are offering loan to values over 105%.  If I can help you with your HARP 2 refinance on your home located in Washington, click here.

I am required to have the language below if I am soliciting your Home Affordable Refi for your home in Washington…and yes, I would love to help you with your HARP (or any) refinance:

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have adopted changes to the Home Affordable Refinance program (HARP) and you may be eligible to take advantages of these changes.  

If your mortgage is owned or guaranteed by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, you may be eligible to refinance your mortgage under the enhanced and expanded provisions of HARP.

You can determine whether your mortgage is owned by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae by checking the following websites:www.freddiemac.com/mymortgage or http://www.fanniemae.com/loanlookup/

You Don’t Have to Wait Until June to Start Your FHA Streamlined Refi

If you currently have an FHA insured mortgage that was *guaranteed* prior to June 1, 2009, you may qualify for significantly reduced mortgage insurance premiums with an FHA streamlined refinance.  Effective June 11, 2012, HUD will offer the reduced premiums for those who meet HUD’s criteria. The good news is, if you qualify for the reduced premiums, you don’t have to wait to lock in today’s low rates – just do a longer lock!

Why HUD, in all their wisdom, used the date an FHA loan was guaranteed beats the heck out of me. This has nothing to do with when your FHA mortgage closed; it’s when HUD has insured the loan which often takes place weeks or even a few months after closing.

If you have been considering refinancing your FHA mortgage with an FHA streamlined refi, and you closed on your last FHA mortgage prior to June 1, 2009, you may want to check with a local lender to see when your current mortgage was endorsed.

If you’re one of the lucky ones, you can actually start your application now (click here to apply on line if your home is located in Washington) and wait until June 11, 2012 to order your FHA case number.  We can also watch rates to determine when to lock. The longer the lock period, the more the rate cost. You can see by the rates posted below –  locking now with an extended lock period looks pretty good!

NOTE: Rates quoted below are from April 2012 – for your current mortgage rate quote on Washington homes, click here.

Here’s are some scenario’s for FHA streamlined refinances based on rates as of the writing of the post (4/11/2012 12:45pm PST) and the borrower having mid-credit scores of 720 or higher in greater Seattle:

Base loan amount of $400,000 for a 30 year fixed rate mortgage:

FHA Streamlined Refi with existing mortgage NOT qualifying for the reduced mortgage insurance premiums (mortgage not guaranteed by May 31, 2009 or sooner by HUD):

3.750% (apr 4.743%) with a PIMI (principal, interest and mortgage insurance) payment of $2,298.06. 

FHA Streamlined refi (existing mortgage was guaranteed by HUD prior to June 1, 2009) with closing by June 18, 2012 (long enough time period to obtain the reduced mortgage insurance premiums):

3.750% (apr 4.141) PIMI payment of $2,034.45. You don’t have to wait to lock in today’s low rates!  This pricing is based on a 75 day lock – or you can start the process and lock in at anytime you choose as long as the lock period is beyond June 11, 2012.

This is especially huge for FHA Jumbo’s which are really being hit hard with the higher FHA mortgage insurance premiums. In the greater Seattle area, this impacts FHA loans with a base loan amount of $417,001 to $567,500.

Here’s how the payments compare for an FHA Jumbo with a base loan amount of $565,000 and 720 mid-credit scores: 

FHA Jumbo Streamlined refi where existing mortgage was guaranteed June 1, 2009 or later:

3.750% (apr 4.589) with a PIMI payment of $3,222.66.

NOTE: FHA annual mortgage insurance will increase again for high balance/jumbo FHA loans by an additional 0.25% effective June 11, 2012. This increase would cause our above scenario (if they waited until June 11, 2012 to get their case number) to have a PIMI of $3,339.38 (apr 4.732). If you fall into this category: FHA high balance (aka jumbo) guaranteed after May 31, 2009, you will want to obtain your FHA case number BEFORE June 11, 2012.

FHA Jumbo Streamlined refinance where the existing FHA mortgage was guaranteed May 31, 2009 or sooner priced with a 75 day lock to close after the FHA case number is obtained on June 11, 2012:

3.875% (apr 4.214) with a PIMI payment of 2,913.94.

Another reason to consider starting your application now is that it will allow you have time to review your credit. There may be small adjustments you can make that will improve your credit score and quite possibly your interest rate – the point is, you have some time to check it out and make sure you’re in the best position prior to closing. 

If your home is located anywhere in Washington state, and you’re considering an FHA streamlined (or any type of) refi, I’m happy to help you! 

You don’t have to wait to start your FHA streamlined refi and gamble rates going higher, unless you want to.

What are your odds of getting a HARP 2.0 refinance?

UPDATE SEPTEMBER 4, 2012: Odds are back to being a little tricky if you have a Freddie Mac securitized mortgage….bummer!  Most of my lenders are limiting us to 105% LTV for Freddie Mac and unlimited LTVs for Fannie Mae.

UPDATE MAY 12, 2012: ODDS ARE GREATLY IMPROVED!  We are now working with several lenders who are allowing expanded (unlimited) loan to values, including mortgages with existing private mortgage insurance and lpmi (as long as the mortgage insurance can  be transferred).  For a quote on a HARP 2.0 refi for your home located in Washington, please contact me.

Many home owners who have been patiently waiting for the expanded guidelines offered with HARP 2 to become available have found frustration. I’m being told that we are going to have the ability to originate HARP mortgages for my clients beyond 105% loan to value “soon” but as of the publishing of this post, I’m still limited to 105% LTV based on Fannie or Freddie’s estimated value of your home.  


UPDATE 4/19/2012: Mortgage Master Service Corporation is adding several lenders who are allowing us to do unlimited loan to values! Stay tuned – I’ll have an exciting announcement soon!  


Click here for your rate quote for your home located anywhere in Washington.

HARP 2 is the Home Affordable Refinance Program which is available to home owners who have their mortgage *securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac prior to June 1, 2009.  *NOTE: this is different than who you make your mortgage payment to (your mortgage servicer).

This program is intended to be a giant band-aid with our housing by allowing qualifed home owners to refinance their underwater mortgages, reducing their mortgage payment and/or term and hopefully stimulating the economy with the extra cash flow. Many are supposed to qualify without having an appraisal – it’s intended to be a streamlined process. It is streamlined and available…for some. For many it may feel like throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks.

What are your odds of obtaining a HARP 2 refinance? It depends on what your scenario looks like. I’ve successfully closed many HARP 2 refinances without (and with) appraisals for both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae securitized loans. Here’s what I can tell you now (remember, this is my opinion and subject to change…hopefully soon). This is not intended to discourage you from trying to obtain your HARP 2 refinance.

Your odds are strongly in your favor if your loan to value on your first mortgage is 105% or lower and if you do not have any private mortgage insurance. Zillow has seemed to be fairly accurate for estimating value. However the ultimate say on if the value is acceptable to create an “appraisal waiver” is Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Your odds improve more if your mortgage is securitized by Fannie. Freddie seems to be a bit pickier with approvals and sensitve towards new debts or debt to income ratios. 

Second mortgages or HELOCs have not been a huge issue [knock on wood]. Most second lien holders have been cooperative and agreeing to subordinate their lien position – even without an appraisal.

Private mortgage insurance is still not where it needs to be with the HARP program. If you have any type of private mortgage insurance, this is an additonal “layer” to work with for your loan approval. The pmi company needs to agree to have the insurance transferred to the new loan and the new lender needs to accept the new pmi.  With pmi, your coverage amount will stay the same AND private mortgage insurance companies treat the transferred coverage as a “new loan” (you may be stuck with that pmi for a while on a new HARP loan).  Your odds are better with pmi if your loan to value is 95% or lower.

UPDATE 5/12/2012: HARP 2.0 mortgages with private mortgage insurance are not as much of an issue as long as the existing private mortgage insurance can be transferred or if the lpmi can be converted to borrower paid mortgage insurance. Most private mortgage insurance companies are agreeable and we work with lenders who are accepting transferred mortgage insurance. 

Odds are worse if your the company who holds your pmi is United Guarantee. UGIC is not cooperating as much as the other pmi companies. UGIC is participating in HARP, however they are not waiving the reps and warrants on the original file. Therefore they request and require the original package from the current mortgage servicer and it takes a lot longer than the other MI companies.

Current odds are [NOT] lower if you have LPMI (lender paid mortgage insurance). Your best bet may be to try your existing mortgage servicer to see if they can help you with your HARP 2 refi. It’s my understanding, some mortgage servicers are refusing to help their very own clients with this program.  Depending on the type of lender paid mortgage insurance (how the premium was structured) it may be fairly simple to help you with HARP 2.0.  Just like regular pmi, as long as the private mortgage insurance company allows it to be transferred and be “borrower paid” (some lpmi loans can be coverted to bpmi – borrower paid), we have lenders who will accept the pmi. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO BACK TO YOUR BANK OR MORTGAGE SERVICER WITH AN LPMI HARP 2.0 REFINANCE.

Again, I looking forward to sharing with you that I have unlimited LTVs and can help any Washington borrower who has pmi or lpmi but it’s just not the case “right now”. We are working on bringing on more lenders who may allow expanded guidelines that other banks seem to be restricting. Currently, I can help most borrowers who need a HARP 2 refi as long as the loan to value doesn’t exceed 105% per Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac’s estimated value of your Washington home.  UPDATE 5/12/2012: With the lenders we now work with, we have no loan to value restrictions for Fannie or Freddie and pmi or lpmi is probably not an issue. 

It’s very frustrating to see the overlays banks and mortgage servicers have put on the HARP 2. Banks are limiting the availability of a program that is designed to help stabilize housing and the economy. This needs to change. HARP needs to be widely available to all home owners who qualify. 

I’m happy to review your HARP 2 scenario for your home located any where in Washington. I have successfully helped many home owners refinance with the Home Affordable Refinance Program, including investment properties and second homes. 

If you would like me to provide a rate quote for your HARP 2 refinance, click here.

I am required to have the language below if I am soliciting your Home Affordable Refi for your home in Washington…and yes, I would love to help you with your HARP (or any) refinance:

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have adopted changes to the Home Affordable Refinance program (HARP) and you may be eligible to take advantages of these changes.  

If your mortgage is owned or guaranteed by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, you may be eligible to refinance your mortgage under the enhanced and expanded provisions of HARP.

You can determine whether your mortgage is owned by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae by checking the following websites:www.freddiemac.com/mymortgage orhttp://www.fanniemae.com/loanlookup/

HARPy St Patty’s Day

image from www.mortgageporter.com

I’ve been checking Fannie Mae’s website for the much anticipated release of the expanded HARP guidelines (often referred to as HARP 2) which is scheduled to take place this weekend.

Click here for your HARP 2 rate quote for your home located anywhere in Washington.

Once the guidelines are released, I will review them and plan on posting them here on my blog to share with Washington homeowners hoping to refinance and my readers. Many home owners have put their HARP refi’s “on hold” waiting for the expanded guidelines which will allow more home owners who have lost home equity to refinance their conventional mortgages (if securitized by Fannie or Freddie prior to June 1, 2009).

We don’t know what the bank or lender guidelines (underwriting over-lays) will be. Some major banks have already pawned off some of their clients to large internet lenders who tend to have very inexperienced mortgage originators.

We do know there is significant pent-up demand for HARP 2’s expanded guidelines because of the delay in releasing this until this weekend. Home owners planning on refinancing should be well prepared and patient. The release of HARP 2 this weekend combined with the increase in FHA mortgage insurance premiums taking place on April 9, 2012 will cause many Washington home owners with both conventional and FHA underlying mortgages to want to refinance.

I will keep you posted as soon as I have any information.

Happy St. Patty’s Day

Considering refinancing your FHA mortgage? Here’s what you need to know NOW



HUD announced dramatic changes to their mortgage insurance premiums this week. If you have been considering refinancing your existing FHA mortgage by doing an FHA streamlined, you need to be aware of a couple of dates and which should cause you to either take action now or wait for your refi. 


HUD has finally decided to reduce the mortgage insurance premiums on FHA streamlined refinances.  HOWEVER it only applies to exisiting FHA loans that were endorsed prior to June 1, 2009.  When your loan was "endorsed" is completely different than when your loan closed.  HUD may take several weeks to a couple months after closing to endorse (insure) an FHA mortgage.  You could have closed in April of 2009 and not have your mortgage endorsed by HUD until after June 2009 and therefore not qualify for the reduced mortgage insurance rates.


If you closed the FHA mortgage you want to streamline refinance prior to May 31, 2009, contact your local mortgage originator to see when your mortgage was endorsed by HUD.  If your home is located anywhere in Washington State, I'm happy to help you with your FHA refinance and determining your endorsement date. (Currently HUD does not have a way for consumers to access this information that I'm aware of).  IF your mortgage was endorsed by HUD prior to June 1, 2009, you may want to consider delaying your FHA streamlined refinance for a few weeks until June 11, 2012.  Mortgage insurance premiums will be dropped, for those who qualify based on the endorsement date, to 0.01% for the upfront funding fee and the annual fee will be cut in half to 0.55%.  


If your existing FHA insured mortgage was endorsed (or closed) after May 31, 2009, you will want to consider an FHA streamline refinance NOW as mortgage insurance premiums are going up. Remember, it's possible that your loan may have closed weeks before May 31, 2009 and NOT be endorsed by HUD until after the cut-off.  Effective on Case Numbers (this is different than your loan application and may take place after your loan application) issued April 9, 2012 and later, mortgage insurance premiums are going up.  The upfront premium will be 1.75% and monthly is increasing 0.10 for annual mi premiums. In early June, high balance FHA loans (loan amounts $417,001 to $567,500 in the greater Seattle area) will go up an additonal 0.25% for annual mi premiums.


Bottom line:  
  • If you closed your FHA loan prior to 2009 with your existing FHA loan, it's probably safe to assume your loan was endorsed by HUD in time to receive reduced MI rates and you may want to WAIT.  
  • If you closed your FHA mortgage from early 2009 to May 2009, you may need to check with your mortgage originator to see when your loan was endorsed.
  • If you closed your FHA mortgage from June 2009 or later, odds are you do not qualify for the reduced rate and, if you don't act quickly (March is your last month) to start your FHA streamlined refinance, the higher mortgage insurance rates could make it so that it's no longer worth while to refinance despite current low rates. REFI NOW if you are interested.


Don't delay – check out your options now!  Remember, FHA streamlined refinances do not require an appraisal – it does not matter what the current value of your home currently is.


As I mentioned, I am happy to help you with your mortgage needs with homes located anywhere in Washington, where I'm licesned to originate mortgages.


HARP 2 Expanded Guidelines Available Next Month

During the weekend of March 17, 2012, possibly while you're enjoying an Irish HARP's at The Celtic Swell off the shores of West Seattle, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be releasing the next set of expanded guidelines for the Home Affordable Refinance (coined HARP 2 or 2.0).

Many Washington area home owners with conventional mortgages closed prior to June 1, 2009 are eagerly looking forward to this St. Patty's Day so they can take advantage of the current low mortgage rates.  If you've been turned down for a HARP refinance before, you should consider trying again with this expansion.

HARP enhancements on the March 17 release include:

  • No maximum LTV (loan to value) ratio for fixed rate mortgages;
  • 105% maximum LTV for adjustable rate mortgage;
  • More properties will qualify to have the appraisal waived, including primary residences, second homes and investment properties.

Borrowers still need to qualify with income, employment, credit and assets. If a borrower is relying on income from a second job to qualify, there cannot be any gaps of employment for that job in the last 12 months.  Fannie Mae DU Plus will also require 2 months of reserves for second homes and six months reserves to be verified for investment properties.

Some Washington home owners are not waiting until next month to refinance. If Fannie or Freddie are accepting the home's current value (generally it's underwater no more than 105% LTV) they may receive an appraisal waiver.  You may not have to wait either!  If we do not receive an response from Fannie or Freddie with an appraisal waiver, we can work on improving your credit or savings while we wait for the next expanded guidelines next month.

If your home is located in Washington state, I'm happy to review your scenario.  For your HARP rate quote, click here.

For more information about HARP 2.0, please click here.

I am required to have the language below if I am soliciting your Home Affordable Refi for your home in Washington…and yes, I would love to help you with your HARP (or any) refinance:

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have adopted changes to the Home Affordable Refinance program (HARP) and you may be eligible to take advantages of these changes.  

If your mortgage is owned or guaranteed by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, you may be eligible to refinance your mortgage under the enhanced and expanded provisions of HARP.

You can determine whether your mortgage is owned by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae by checking the following websites:www.freddiemac.com/mymortgage orhttp://www.fanniemae.com/loanlookup/


Should I Refinance my 4.5% Mortgage?

I'm pricing out a scenario for one of my returning clients where I helped them with their refinance for their home in Seattle in May of 2009 to a 4.5% 30 year fixed rate. During that time, 4.5% was the lowest rate any of us had seen. Now mortgage rates have been in the high 3s to low 4s depending on current pricing and scenarios.  I thought it would be interesting to share the quotes I've provided my client because I know many others have rates around 4.5% and may be wondering the very same thing: should I refi?

This Seattle home owner has excellent credit (scores above 740) and has an estimated loan to value of 80% or lower. It's possible they may qualify for a Home Affordable Refi since Fannie Mae has securitized their mortgage, however they closed right at the time where it's possible the mortgage may not have been securitized before the May 31, 2009 cut-off. Once we run the loan through Fannie Mae's automated underwriting system, we'll know whether or not it qualifies to have the appraisal waived. At this point, I'm assuming not and therefore an appraisal fee is factored into the APR. 

Here's what I quoted as of 10:30 this morning on February 2, 2012:

3.750% will reduce the monthly payment by $150 and has estimated closing cost of $5620 (apr 3.909). My client will return to their current principal balance in approx. 15 months per the amortization schedule.

3.875% will reduce the monthly payment by $133 and has an estimated closing cost of $3660 (apr 3.891). My client will return to their current principal balance in approx. 14 months.

4.000% will reduce the monthly payment by $121 per month with estimated closing cost at $1779 (apr 4.080). My client will return to their current principal balance in approx. 11 months.

NOTE: Mortgage rates change constantly. For your personal rate quote on your Washington home, please click here.

The monthly savings is only one consideration. If this client were to sell in the near future, retaining his existing mortgage may be the better route as the payoff would most likely be lower with the existing mortgage for this scenario. However, if the home owner does not have plans on selling or is considering converting his home into a rental in the distant (more than 12 months) future, or if the home owner is going to use the extra monthly savings to pay off high interest credit card debt or to build savings, the refinance gains more value.

Whether or not someone should refinance is a personal decision where short and long term financial plans should be reviewed. 

If you are considering refinancing your home located anywhere in Washington, I'm happy to help you. Click here for your personal rate quote.