I've recently made a few tweaks to Mortgage Porter…hopefully one's that will be beneficial! The most significant change is that Mortgage Master has changed the provider of our secure on-line loan application around mid-June. If you began a loan application prior to mid-June 2009, you may need to re-do it here (please contact me first). Note: I am only licensed to lend on homes located in Washington State.
A few of my smaller adjustments include swapping my profile photo to an introductory video (in the upper right corner) and moving up my Facebook Fan Page–if you haven't signed up as a "fan", please do! I've also redirected my url of www.rhondaporter.comto my Facebook page (this is different than my profile). You can still assess my blog, The Mortgage Porter, by www.mortgageporter.com.
I've been trying to "clean up" the look of my blog, so many links have been moved to back pages–you can assess them by the links along the top of Mortgage Porter.
Last, on my "about me" page (link found under the video in the upper right corner) there is a list of places you can find me in the "social media" world that I have recently updated. Let's connect!
Do you have any suggestions about Mortgage Porter, or if you notice anything wonky, please let me know.
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