Are You Ready to be Hands Free with Your Cell Phone?


I’m not rushing out to buy one of those gadgits that stick in your ear so it looks like I’m  talking to myself. Effective July 1, 2008 it will be illegal to talk on your cell phone the "old fashioned way" by holding the phone with your hand to your ear in the State of Washington: you will need to be "hands free" (hopefully your hands are on your steering wheel) when you are driving a car.

Possible future laws to make our roads safer could include the following for drivers:

  • no eating or drinking.
  • no primping (shaving, applying make-up etc.).
  • no reading (it is all ready illegal to "text" while driving in Washington).
  • no deep coversations, daydreaming or yelling at the kids.

I’m sitting on the fence with getting a new phone.  I’m real unhappy with my Treo 650 and I’m eyeballing the new iPhone.   I’ll figure out if I’m going to wire the car with a speaker or just use the speaker phone that I all ready have with the phone.   I don’t like to have things in my ears and I’m just not a fan of trying to tell if someone is "on" or not so I can’t see myself having a wireless ear phone.

What are you going to do to be compliant and hands free by July 1, 2008?

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