This is the time of the year when open enrollment for benefits takes place with many employers. Considering this, I asked Jean Christensen from AFLAC to share a story with you regarding one of the benefits of AFLAC. Jean shares a story of Michele, one of her co-workers who was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months ago.
I am a 40 year old mother of two, wife of one and friend of many. As of July 9, 2007 my life was changed radically as I was diagnosed with breast cancer and bone metastasis. One year earlier, I’d had a clear mammogram. At that point I had to stop working as an Associate of AFLAC, have others cook and clean for my family and drive me everywhere. I went from being totally in charge of my life to being totally dependent on others for everything.
Now a one income family, in a hugely stressful situation, with the same monthly bills like mortgage, food, heat, cable, etc., who did we have to turn to?
Thankfully in 2003, I enrolled I the AFLAC Cancer Plan for $36.00/month. Our first check from AFLAC was $7,000 upon my diagnosis and I know that the checks will keep on coming as I’ve seen over and over for others. AFLAC’s average cancer payout of $40-$60,00 is life changing.
I tell you this story not to scare you, but to share with you my story. I continue to fight the fight.
The financial help that AFLAC brings is enormously comforting. If you choose to participate in one plan, please, look at the statistics, hear this story and consider the cancer plan.
-Michele H., Woodinville– willingly shared with Jean Christensen and you.
AFLAC has been a great benefit to the employees at Mortgage Master. My first processor is battling Stage 4 breast cancer and I know that AFLAC has been a significant help to her and her family.
I have enrolled in AFLAC and Mortgage Master is able to offer a Flex Spending program because of their participation.
When you’re reviewing your options during benefits enrollment with your employer, please make sure you understand your options. Hopefully you never need insurance or AFLAC…but you’re certainly glad that you have coverage when the unexpected happens.
If you’re employer does not offer AFLAC, or if you would like to learn more, please contact Jean Christensen at 206-819-8704.
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