Seattle’s Top Neighborhoods


According to the July issue of The Seattle Magazine, the overall top places to live in the Seattle area based on "affordability (a relative term in our hot real estate market), return on investment, diversity, good schools, parks, low crime rate and commute times", including the median house price are:

  1. Bellevue (Somerset, Newport Hills neighborhoods): $596,000.
  2. Delridge (West Seattle/High Point): $276,000.
  3. Kent: $315,000.
  4. Bellevue (Crossroads, Lake Hills neighborhoods):  $435,000.
  5. Renton: $350,000.
  6. Maple Valley:  $385,700.
  7. Bothell:  $395,000
  8. Georgtown (South Seattle): $325,000.
  9. Highland Park (West Seattle):  $305,000.
  10. Shoreline:  $340,000.
  11. Everett:  $295,000.
  12. Federal Way:  $274,950.

This month’s issue includes a detailed list including the top 98 Seattle-area neighborhoods and of course, features an article on "condo mania".   You can get your copy at local newsstands….


  1. Very Interesting

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