[…] the recent changes to zoning in Washington state, you can expect more single-unit homes to be demolished for multi-unit…
On My Initial Thoughts on the Middle Housing Class
I am in escrow and the only contingency I have left is my loan contingency. My loan officer was trying…
On How Much Info can my Mortgage Orignator Share with my Real Estate Agent?
I can really see where the digital pre-approval could give a buyer's offer an edge with the listing agent and…
On What’s the Difference Between being Pre-Qualified or Pre-Approved for a Mortgage?
Hi Rhonda, We were pre-approved since day 1 after providing all of the documents the lender needed, so we put…
On How Much Info can my Mortgage Orignator Share with my Real Estate Agent?
A loan officer shared my personal information with the listing agent. I’m not getting my loan through her. The listing…
On How Much Info can my Mortgage Orignator Share with my Real Estate Agent?
No, the broker did not ask if he could share my financial details - he asked me if he could…
On How Much Info can my Mortgage Orignator Share with my Real Estate Agent?
Hi - similar question / experience. I got pre-qualified at the beginning of a home search. The broker asked if…
On How Much Info can my Mortgage Orignator Share with my Real Estate Agent?
Great one! I just got married ad I was thinking of buying a new home fro me and my wife.…
On Should you wait to buy a home or buy now?
Thanks for the clear explanation - I need a little refresher once in awhile!
On Fannie Mae projects Mortgage Interest Rates around 4.5% in 2023
Rhonda - Do you think this help existing variable HELOC rates?
On Fannie Mae projects Mortgage Interest Rates around 4.5% in 2023